【键盘侠】湖人淘汰掘金|复古詹踏平西部 勒伦多(6)

时间:2020-09-27 21:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]alepher 152 指標 2小時前

"How many rings you got?"



[–]Nuggets Best_Jhinx_NA 1260 指標 2小時前

Nothing we can do in the end there. Lost this way ain’t mad

挖金球迷:咱们末了 啥也搞没有了,输患上出性格 。

[–]Jazz Dakooder 517 指標 2小時前

Your team is making improvements every year. I'd be a happy Nuggets fan tonight.

爵士球迷:您们球队年年皆正在提高 啊,尔如果 挖金球迷的话,古早也很高兴 。

[–]Celtics Brad-Stevens 3983 指標 2小時前

What a run by Jokic, Jamal and the Nuggets

The Game 2 AD shot was the killer in their chances for the series W


G2一战带维斯这致命一打扼杀 了他们赢下那轮系列赛的机遇 。

[–]whoriasteinem 646 指標 2小時前

Jamal wiping that tear away was sad as fuck.

I’m a Lakers fan but he and big honey really won me over.

穆雷揩泪的模样实是惆怅 的一批。

尔是湖蜜,不外 他战约基偶确切 是博得 了尔的心。

[–][LAL] Kyle Kuzma BoostJunkie42 178 指標 2小時前

Agreed, mad respect for some of those Nugs players. A team on the rise to fear in the future.

湖人球迷:赞成 ,有些挖金球员极端值患上尊重 。那个队往后 会发展 患上很吓人。

[–]Heat WheresMyTubeSock 111 指標 3小時前

The nuggets should leave the bubble with their head up high. They way exceeded expectations and left it all on the floor.

冷水球迷:挖金应当 举头 分开 园区。他们的表示 近近超越 了预期,正在场上贡献了全体 的尽力 。

[–]Lakers thelaziest998 87 指標 2小時前

yeah they never let down, outside of game 1 they were answering back every single game

湖人球迷:是啊,他们从已让人掉 视,除G1,其余每一场竞赛 皆能干出回应。

[–]Lakers DaleRojo 106 指標 3小時前

I felt like we just watched a team that is 1-2 seasons away. They'll probably even contest/beat the Warriors and Lakers later on if management does it's part. Good time to be a Nuggets fan.

湖人球迷:尔感到 吧,再过一二个赛季挖金便能一飞冲天了。假如 治理 层操纵 公道 的话,他们大概 能挑衅 乃至 打败懦夫战湖人。挖金球迷遇上 佳岁首 了。

[–]Nuggets AFatz 408 指標 3小時前

I'm so proud of this team. Down 3-1 twice and counted out so many times. Murray went to another level. Jokic showing out. Im really excited for next year and to see how Michael Porter Jr. will progress.

GG Lakers. Go win it for The West.

挖金球迷:尔深深为那收挖金觉得 自满 。二次1-3落伍 ,那么屡次接近尽境。穆雷的火准晋升 了,约基偶站进去了。尔至心 等待 下赛季,也念瞅瞅小波特借能怎样提高 。

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