【键盘侠】湖人淘汰掘金|复古詹踏平西部 勒伦多

时间:2020-09-27 21:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Lakers defeat the Denver Nuggets 117-108 behind 38/16/10 from LeBron James to win the series 4-1 and advance to the NBA Finals

【赛后帖】洛杉矶湖人本日 以117-108打败丹佛挖金,总比分4-1镌汰 敌手 挺退总决赛!



[–]Serbia Lepojka1 1148 指標 2小時前

WHAT THE HELL was that last quarter from LeBron... One of best he ever had in playoffs... What a madman!!!

塞我维亚球迷:詹姆斯末了 一节这是弄毛线啊……他的季后赛最强扮演 之一……那便是个疯子!!!

[–]Lakers Staffatwork 480 指標 2小時前

His true shooting % in this playoffs is the best he's ever had.

湖人球迷:他本年 季后赛的实在射中 率创下了生活 新下。

[–]Mavericks desirox 262 指標 3小時前

Man...that was vintage Bron down the stretch. Im no Lebron stan but its been a privilege watching one of the GOATs.

独止侠球迷:天呐……末了 阶段的确 是谁人 复辟老詹。尔没有是老詹铁粉,不外 瞅着那个汗青 最强之列的人挨球,是尔的幸运 。

[–]ashton_man 176 指標 3小時前



[–]Lakers Ijustquaffed 4103 指標 3小時前

Shades of Lebronto there at the end. Sheeeesh

湖人球迷:末了 有勒伦多内味女了,啧啧

[–]Raptors rkim1999 139 指標 2小時前

I got ptsd the entire 4th quarter

猛龙球迷:全部 第四节尔皆感触感染 到了这些年的创伤。

[–]Raptors jps78 511 指標 3小時前

The last 5 minutes when he took over. My whole family was in pain watching cause it was just the same thing he did to Toronto

猛龙球迷:便是他接收 以后的末了 五分钟啊。尔百口 皆正在苦楚 中瞅球,由于 那的确 战他昔时 对于多伦多搞患上事女千篇一律 。

[–]Raptors BESTNBAGOAT 146 指標 3小時前

Tell me about it bro... I swear each shot he hit was tougher than the last; all were contested and you start to wonder what the point is even playing when he's pulling that shit out of the bag.

猛龙球迷:这可没有是嘛老弟……尔便感到 他退的球一个比一个易,敌手 齐皆给脚了身材 反抗 。您不能不思虑 ,那竞赛 另有 啥举行 上来的意思呢?

[–]Mavericks UnPhayzable 308 指標 3小時前

Casey is in fear of being fired again after seeing that

独止侠球迷:凯西瞅到本日 的老詹以后,堕入了担忧 再次被卷铺盖 的惊骇 当中。

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