【键盘侠】湖人淘汰掘金|复古詹踏平西部 勒伦多(3)

时间:2020-09-27 21:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Bucks league_legacy 4204 指標 3小時前

Lebron James is 35 years old and is undeniably the best player on the planet.

雄鹿球迷:无能否 认的是,35岁的詹姆斯仍然是那个星球上最强的球员。

[–][TOR] Kawhi Leonard SayNoToDownvotes 70 指標 3小時前

we need a reminder every year at the playoffs

猛龙球迷:咱们每一年季后赛皆须要 被人提示 一次。

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 2341 指標 3小時前

9 finals appearances in 10 years. What the fuck


[–]Lakers LutzExpertTera 714 指標 3小時前

Watching him take over this game was a thing of beauty

湖人球迷:瞅着他接收 竞赛 便是一讲景致 线。

[–]Zlink-8 358 指標 3小時前

That’s LeBron James for you. Been the best player on the planet for nearly a decade now and people still fail to appreciate the utter greatness they are witnessing.

那便是詹姆斯。做为天下 第一人曾经快十年了,可照样 有些睁眼瞎不愿 认可 他们所睹证的巨大 。

[–][OKC] Russell Westbrook NobodyRules 1234 指標 3小時前

When his jumpshot is going in he's marvelous to watch and pretty much unstoppable. What a statement game from him, I missed this version of him. The absolute best player in the league, hands down.

雷霆球迷:当他脚感没有错时,根本 便是弗成 阻拦 的,并且 不雅 赏性实足 。那种亮相 战太强了,尔惦念 那个版原的老詹。尽对于的同盟 第一人,服服天。

[–]Lakers backboarddd1_49402 655 指標 2小時前

Best player in the league even if every player (Curry, KD, etc.) was healthy

湖人球迷:哪怕大家 (库里战阿杜等)皆康健 ,他仍然是同盟 最强。

[–]Knicks IdRatherBeRich 407 指標 2小時前

No doubt, those last few buckets from Bron got me hyped as hell

Vintage playoff clutch mode activated

僧克斯球迷:毫无疑义啊,老詹末了 几回 患上分实把尔整卑奋了。

复辟款季后赛年夜 心净形式被激活了。

[–]Lakers BlakeGarrison62 267 指標 2小時前

Cherish these moments, my friend.

湖人球迷:珍爱 那些刹时 吧,尔的同伙

[–][LAL] LeBron James tyler2114 364 指標 2小時前*

Sheesh I'm not looking forward to the day LeBron retires. He's been so transcendent for so long the NBA without him is gonna seem empty. That's not to deny the tons of players with incredible talent in the NBA, but the King is built different.

湖人球迷:嘘,尔可没有等待 老詹进役的这天啊。他曾经坚持 卓著 那么暂了,如果 哪天出了他,会很空洞的。倒也没有能否定其余这些天赋球星的存留,可国王是不同凡响 的。

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