【键盘侠】湖人淘汰掘金|复古詹踏平西部 勒伦多(2)

时间:2020-09-27 21:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Warriors cholula_is_good 33 指標 3小時前

If any other player did this, it would be a career defining game for them. For lebron, its just another payoff good game. His dominance is routine at this point. Unbelievable.

懦夫球迷:您如果 换成其余所有人那种表示 ,这便是全部 生活 的定调之战了。可对付 老詹而行,不过是又多了一场挨患上借没有错的季后赛罢了 。他的统制力曾经常态化了。弗成 思议啊。

[–]Timberwolves DrWolves 341 指標 3小時前

16 points in the 4th quarter... but remember... HE'S NOT CLUTCH

丛林 狼球迷:第四节单节16分啊……不外 别记了……借会有人道“他不敷 年夜 心净”。(¬◡¬)

[–][POR] Jusuf Nurkic Cletus_Starfish 84 指標 2小時前

Does anyone actually say that anymore? I mean, if they do, they're an idiot, but I honestly don't see this take at all anymore.

开辟 者球迷:竟然借实有人持续 那么道?尔觉着吧,要实是如许 ,这那些人便是笨货,不外 尔是实出睹过那种谈吐 了。

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 1816 指標 3小時前

That dagger at the end was cold as fuck

王治郅球迷:末了 时候 的脚起刀降冷淡 患上一批啊

[–]Jazz yeshua1986 632 指標 3小時前

He didn’t look like he wanted to shoot there, but the Nuggets kinda forced it so he said fuck you and iced the game. Classic LeBron.

爵士球迷:感到 他原来 是没有念投谁人 三分的,可挖金有面能人 所易,以是 他表现 滚您妹的,而后了却 了竞赛 。典范款老詹!

[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant CallMeLargeFather 320 指標 2小時前

Lebron "Dont make me do this" James


[–]Bulls ItsNotMineISwear 146 指標 2小時前

And aside from that quarter he looks like he's still coasting. Just taking the free shit that comes his way for the most part.

公牛球迷:除末了 一节,感到 他照样 有些划火。年夜 部门 时光 皆是有患上挨便挨。

[–]Spurs siphillis 125 指標 2小時前*

And it looks like he holding back compared to previous years. He’s figured out basketball.

Edit: he actually shot better in 2014 and 2017, but this is his third-highest mark.

马刺球迷:比起前些年,感到 他照样 留了面余天,他曾经参透了篮球。

编纂 :实在 他正在14战17年这会女投患上更准,不外 本年 季后赛也是他的第三下度了。

[–]Cavaliers DepresseMode 185 指標 2小時前

We gotta enjoy these while he’s still playing. I can’t believe he’s still so good. Unreal.

骑士球迷:趁着他借正在挨,我们实患上佳佳享用。尔实是没有敢信任 ,他竟然照样 那么强。佳失常 啊。

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