【键盘侠】湖人淘汰掘金|复古詹踏平西部 勒伦多(5)

时间:2020-09-27 21:13       来源: NBA直播吧

People will talk about how some west teams have a bright future.

Yeah you're still looking at 3 more years of Lebron out there.

凯我特人球迷:年夜 野今后 照样 会各类 吹有些西部球队有着光亮 的将来 。

这是,不外 借患上再瞅三年迈 詹的扮演 。

[–]Laws CoolStudent 188 指標 3小時前

Yep. The Nuggets could be the Toronto of the West for a few years...

对于哦,挖金往后 多少年大概 便是西部的多伦多了……

[–]Lakers lumberjawsh 86 指標 2小時前

So they lose next year and win the year after? I could see it

湖人球迷:以是 挖金来岁 照样 输,而后再等一年夺冠?尔瞅止

[–]Raptors U_Menace 357 指標 3小時前

Lebron has arrived in the West. That's for damn sure.

I'm gonna miss this man when he's gone, but I'm glad that he's balling out right now. Reminding people while he'll always be in that conversation amongst the all time greats. Not his biggest fan, but I respect his game. Man's a living legend.


等他进役以后尔会惦念 他的,不外 他如今 仍旧 挨患上风死火起尔照样 挺愉快 的。他正在提示 年夜 野,他将永久 处于汗青 最好的规模 之列。尔没有是他的逝世 忠粉,但是尔尊敬 他的竞赛 。那野伙便是个在世 的传说。

[–][LAL] LeBron James xyneid 125 指標 3小時前

I think you can also find some solace in the fact that your team was incredibly solid all those years and you would have gone on to the NBA finals were it not for LeBron. It's been now clear that it was more due to LeBron than Toronto itself.

湖人球迷:尔认为 您们龙蜜也能找到一点儿安慰 ,实在 您龙这多少年照样 蛮强的,要没有是老詹的话,您们早便挨退总决赛了。如今 算是弄明确 了,本来 昔时 您们的题目 没有正在本身,而是老詹。

[–][CLE] LeBron James my_dad_pounds_me 90 指標 3小時前

Lebron's levelling up as he gets balder this playoffs. Shave that shit bron

骑士球迷:老詹本年 季后赛头越秃挨患上越佳啊。剃光了呗,老詹。

[–]Bulls ItsNotMineISwear 76 指標 3小時前

He'll do that in once he's pushing 40 to unlock that final prime.

公牛球迷:他要比及 40岁才剃卤蛋,如许 能力 解锁末了 一波顶峰 期!

[–]noobquestionsParis 1929 指標 2小時前

Kostas Antetokounmpo really going to be winning the championship before Giannis.


[–]CIark 681 指標 2小時前

Family dinners gonna be awkward when Kostas rolls up with the jewelry

当字母弟一身翠绕珠围 天加入 野庭会餐 时,排场 确定 很为难 。

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