【键盘侠】湖人淘汰掘金|复古詹踏平西部 勒伦多(4)

时间:2020-09-27 21:13       来源: NBA直播吧


[–]Celtics iAmTheRealLange 3981 指標 2小時前

Lebron legit just decided he was done playing and ended the game

凯我特人球迷:詹姆斯借实是本身 没有念挨了以后决议 闭幕 竞赛 ……

[–]InsanityInIsolation 1319 指標 2小時前

Wanted to make sure his old ass got some rest before the finals, turned it on to end it now heh. If the east goes to 7, that'll be a slog to go right into a rested LeBron.

他念让本身 那把老骨头正在总决赛以前多歇会女呢,以是 才激活状况 了断系列赛。假如 东部挨到抢七,这便会恰好 碰上一张一弛的老詹。

[–]Clippers stripes361 283 指標 3小時前*

LeBron now has 10 conference championships. The Lakers and Celtics (and apparently Warriors too) are the only NBA franchises with more.

快船球迷:詹姆斯曾经有10个分区冠军了,同盟 全部 球队中只要凯我特人战湖人(显著 也有懦夫)的分区冠军数比老詹多。

[–]Raptors mikebrownhurtsme 3321 指標 2小時前

But can LeBron do it in the east?

猛龙球迷:但是 老詹正在东部能有那么猛吗?(≖‿≖)

[–]Raptors theaspiringchimp 1401 指標 2小時前

LeBron did it to the east, the west, and even the North. But can he do it to the south?

猛龙球迷:老詹正在东部、西部,乃至 是北部皆猛过。但是 他正在北部能干到吗?

[–]Raptors mikebrownhurtsme 1835 指標 2小時前

Guess where Miami is bruh


[–]Raptors theaspiringchimp 902 指標 2小時前

"I'm taking my talents against south beach"

猛龙球迷:“尔要用尔的禀赋 反抗 北海岸!”

[–]NBA zuixihuan 2851 指標 3小時前

Lebron James haters for years, "It wouldn't be this easy for him in the West!"

Proceeds to lose just 3 games on his way through the West.


成果 他本年 踩仄西部便输了三场竞赛 ……

[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant Dongsquad420BlazeIt 1408 指標 3小時前

Yeah but the refs! The Clippers lost! AD was better!

湖人球迷:出错,但是 裁判协助 了!快船被提早镌汰 了!带维斯挨患上更佳!

[–]Lakers GiveMeSomeIhedigbo 143 指標 3小時前

The Clippers lost!

Meaning that the Lakers had an actual tough WCF opponent, and not a team of choke artists.

湖人球迷:“快船被提早镌汰 了!”那没有便即是 尔湖的西决敌手 是有实材真料,而没有是一助链子王嘛。

[–]Celtics desmedt29 424 指標 3小時前

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