【键盘侠】湖人夺赛点|季后多名不虚传 穆雷未来(8)

时间:2020-09-25 17:13       来源: NBA直播吧

Every single game and post game thread is bitching about refs. At some point when do we just admit that WE’RE wrong? Maybe they miss things but it’s a fast game. Claiming the refs are rigging EVERY game is disrespectful to both teams

每一个赛中战赛后帖皆有人哔哔裁判。我们啥时刻 能力 认可 本身 错了啊?大概 裁判有没有到位之处,可竞赛 节拍 太快了啊。道甚么裁判每一场皆正在操控竞赛 ,那便是对于两边 的没有尊敬 。


[–]ferdinand14 788 指標 56 分鐘前

There will be psychology studies for decades to come on how cyber bullying can have positive impacts on athlete performance. KCP will be exhibit A in those studies.

往后 多少十年,确定 会涌现 闭于“收集 暴力若何 对于活动 员的施展 形成主动作用”的生理 教研讨 问题。波普正在那些研讨 中间 将会被望为头等论据。

[–]Lakers lakerswiz 20 指標 40 分鐘前

aint working on danny green


[–]Raptors The_Unknown98 1492 指標 56 分鐘前

Green and Kuzma did their best to avoid the 1-3 Nuggets. The team let them down.

猛龙球迷:格林战库兹马为了躲启1-3的挖金拼尽了尽力 。湖人让他俩掉 视了。

[–]Sean ConneryIsKing 150 指標 56 分鐘前

Don’t forget LBJ’s shot selection.

别记了另有 詹姆斯的投篮挑选

[–]bass2mouth44 39 指標 51 分鐘前

God damn I was frustrated watching him play in the second half

尔来,老詹下半场的表示 实挺让人闹心的。

[–]Lakers meow_meow666 49 指標 45 分鐘前

Hold the ball for 22 seconds. Drive into 5 nuggies. Turnover or a bad shot.

湖人球迷:持球22秒,再朝挖金人堆里冲,要末掉 误要末瞎扔。

[–]302born 70 指標 53 分鐘前

His basketball iq spidy senses was trying to tell him to avoid the 3-1 nuggets. But he didn’t want to listen. Now he has to learn the hard way.

他这下球商的蜘蛛感到 试图劝告 他没有要撞上1-3的挖金,可他没有念听。如今 他不能不迎易而上。

[–][CLE] LeBron James hiimred2 31 指標 50 分鐘前

That’s the real reason he was mad at the ref that one time he got the late whistle. He was like wtf homie I’m tryina get this series to 2-2 do you have any idea what you’ve done?!?

骑士球迷:那才是有次裁判叫子 吹患上缓以后老詹暴喜的实邪缘故原由 。他好像 正在道,弄毛线老弟,尔正在努力 把那轮系列赛挨成2-2啊,您晓得本身 正在搞啥吗?!

[–]The ObesePenguin 144 指標 55 分鐘前

Green has been so bad it’s crazy. Such a nice looking jumper and it never fucking lands.

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