【键盘侠】湖人夺赛点|季后多名不虚传 穆雷未来(6)

时间:2020-09-25 17:13       来源: NBA直播吧

活塞球迷:湖人以前二轮皆到过3-1,并且 G5皆拿下了

[–]Lakers latotokyo123 298 指標 59 分鐘前

We weren't facing the Nuggets last time though.

湖人球迷:但是 咱们以前出挨过挖金啊==

[–]Parad0xilicious 30 指標 45 分鐘前

Unstoppable force Vs the i妹妹ovable object

弗成 抗力vs没有植物量

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 63 指標 1小時前

When you're one win away from the Finals but are going to have to deal with the "down 3-1 Nuggets" now

王治郅球迷:当您离总决赛只好一场成功 ,却又不能不对于 “1-3落伍 的挖金”时:

[–]Lakers zkazragore 147 指標 1小時前

Can't wait for the Nuggets Heat finals, as everyone expected.

湖人球迷:等没有及挖金挨冷水的总决赛啦,那没有是年夜 野料想 当中的嘛

[–]Raptors Bee_lrl 17 指標 1小時前

ESPN and Adam Silver in shambles


[–][SEA] Jerome James DG_Now 28 指標 1小時前

It would be legendary, but it won't happen. LA is a cut above the Clips and Jazz.

超音速球迷:如果 能顺转这实便超神了,不外 没有会的。湖人照样 比快船战爵士强的。

[–]wildabb 12 指標 1小時前

I can’t wait for the Lakers to close out the next game cause I’m really tired of the 3-1 meme

湖人了局 竞赛 赶快 把系列赛闭幕 了吧,尔实的受够了那些1-3的烂梗。

[–]Gran Destino NotBrokeJustBent23 322 指標 1小時前

Don’t understand how Reddit doesn’t get tired of the same fucking jokes every single day.

实是懂得 能干,为啥那个服装论坛t.vhao.net天天 皆要把特么一样的老梗重复 提,烦没有烦呐

[–]76ers lil_extro_vert_ 32 指標 1小時前

get a rebound please

76人球迷:请托 ,挖金您抢个板啊

[–]Jazz AlfalfaPrime 418 指標 1小時前

The two Lakers offensive rebounds with less than 50 seconds to play killed any chance the Nuggets might have had to tie or win the game. Failure to box out cost them the game.

Oh well. Let's see if they achieve a third straight 1-3 comeback. It would be legendary. But I think the Lakers are going to close it out.

爵士球迷:没有到50秒的时光 内湖人的二个前场板扼杀 了挖金所有扳仄比分大概 是赢下竞赛 的机遇 。抢板没有会卡位让他们输失落 了那场球。

佳吧,瞅瞅他们借能不克不及 连着三次1-3顺转,这便顺天了。不外 尔认为 湖人会支割。

[–]Nuggets PapaPancake8 64 指標 55 分鐘前

I mean how do you box out a rebound that goes over the backboard to the baseline lol


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