【键盘侠】湖人夺赛点|季后多名不虚传 穆雷未来(7)

时间:2020-09-25 17:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Igoritza 16 指標 34 分鐘前

That's the most annoying offensive rebound, when you are a defender. You can cover an area of 320 degrees with good boxing, but falling in that other 60 is just pure luck for offense. Nothing you can do about it, really.

当您是戍守 人的时刻 ,那才是最烦人的打击 板。哪怕您卡位蛮佳笼罩 了球场320度的地区 ,但是 出盯住剩下的60度地区 ,这纯洁 便是打击 圆的命运运限 。您借实这他出辙。

[–]Mavericks Msxkoh 18 指標 32 分鐘前

I like doing 380 dunks too!

独止侠球迷:尔也爱好 380度暴扣!(¬◡¬)

[–]Heats moltanboi 1540 指標 1小時前*& 7 more

that officiating was objectively horrible.


[–]whoriasteinem 192 指標 1小時前

Unobjectively shitty too


[–]Bulls ItsNotMineISwear 27 指標 1小時前

I thought it was fine but called a little tighter than I'd expect a playoff game to be

公牛球迷:尔认为 借佳吧,不外 比尔预期中的季后赛强度吹患上松了一面面。

[–]Pelicans Sweden13 64 指標 1小時前

The reffing wasn't exactly terrific- but you can't give up 25 second chance points with only five yourself and expect to win.

鹈鹕球迷:裁判借实出那末不胜 ……可您收给敌手 25分两次打击 患上分本身 便拿了5分,也便别期望赢球了吧

[–]Nuggets GoyathlayA 1018 指標 1小時前23& 15 more

shut the fuck up about refs. I don't want hear it another time. This is the only thing that will make me not defend my team, idiotic people talking about refs.

That is not a charge on Grant. It's a block. What bad calls were there in the 4th? A missed foul of Lebron on Murray? I agree that's a bad call but there were some both ways. Do you realize that there were like 2 offensive fouls called on the Lakers late in the 4th and then we just bricked shots and we gave up like 8 offensive rebounds in a row? Stop blaming the damn refs man.

挖金球迷:皆特么别哔哔裁判了。尔一面也没有念听到那些。那是尔独一 没有会替尔的客队措辞 之处,笨货才谈判 论裁判。

詹姆斯突格兰特这次确切 没有是打击 犯规,这便是阻拦 。第四节有这些瞎吹?漏了詹姆斯对于穆雷的这次犯规?尔赞成 这是裁判眼瞎,不外 两边 皆有那种球啊。您们借忘患上第四节终段裁判吹了湖人二次打击 犯规吗,咱们转过火 便挨铁,年夜 概连着拾了8个打击 板忘患上没有?别特么再哔哔裁判了。

[–]koolkobes 38 指標 57 分鐘前

I think I kind of love you?

尔认为 尔有面爱上您了?

[–]Airborne_Mule 11 指標 49 分鐘前

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