【键盘侠】湖人夺赛点|季后多名不虚传 穆雷未来(10)

时间:2020-09-25 17:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Lakers Exoandy 67 指標 56 分鐘前

Twice in a row on MPJ. Kind of impressive he bit in the exact same way too.

湖人球迷:连着二次被小波特摆飞。不外 他倒也能以一样的方法 借以色彩 。

[–]Lakers millenniumpianist 39 指標 54 分鐘前

Weird, his on ball defense looked good in the Rockets series. It's like this "rivalry" he has with MPJ (lol MPJ has smoked him all series) got in his head or something and he's just been pushing too hard or something.

湖人球迷:有面奇异 啊,他挨水箭这轮的时刻 ,有球戍守 瞅着借能够啊。感到 他便是一门心机天念战小波特较量 ,要没有便是使劲过猛了。

[–]Lakers Unfinishedusernam_ [分數隱躲] 20 分鐘前

Man if we make it to the finals and play the heat just imagine him guarding herro

湖人球迷:天呐,如果 尔湖退了总决赛挨冷水,这他患上怎样防希罗啊……


起源 :Reddit


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