【键盘侠】湖人夺赛点|季后多名不虚传 穆雷未来(2)

时间:2020-09-25 17:13       来源: NBA直播吧

[–][GSW] Ian Clark oscarony 416 指標 1小時前

Seriously that ‘block’ he got was a crazy foul

懦夫球迷:有一道一,他对于穆雷末了 时候 谁人 “盖帽”实在 是真挨真的犯规。

[–]Pistons marfox 27 指標 1小時前

Everyone in here talking about the “refs helped Lakers, Lebron gets away will everything” Lebron hasn’t been getting any calls until this game....dude goes to the rim gets mauled and it’s a no call. I get it....everyone wants the Cinderella story for the Nuggets but you can’t pick and choose when to complain about the refs and say they gave the game away.....

活塞球迷:那个服装论坛t.vhao.net又许多 人常常 道“裁判助湖人啊,老詹明显 犯规了没有吹啊”。可老詹正在那场竞赛 以前,一向 是出甚么叫子 的……老夫 冲到篮下被暴挨皆没有会有奖球。尔能懂得 ……大家 皆愿望 挖金能像灰女人 一致顺袭,可您也不克不及 有挑选性天埋怨 裁判道他们让挖金输球啊……

[–]Nuggets BrockaBrockaFlame 9 指標 1小時前

I wish I could say we lost because of officiating, but we gave up so many offensive boards...you get like 3 of those back and we win. We also bricked like 17 open 3s in the first half.

挖金球迷:尔也愿望 尔能够拿裁判做为输球的托言 ,可咱们拾了太多前场板了……如果 能多拿三个咱们便赢了。并且 上半场另有 年夜 概17次空地三分挨铁。

[–]Nuggets Dunkman77 14 指標 47 分鐘前

At the end of the day the Lakers played better. They had more focus, energy and better execution. We were in it because of some crazy shot making. We certainly had a bad whistle in the 4th but I didn't think it was why we lost. Lakers had 9 more shooting possessions. That's a tall fucking hill to climb against a great team playing well in a big game.

挖金球迷:道终归照样 湖人挨患上更佳。他们挨患上更博注更有活气 ,履行 力更强。咱们之以是 出被挨花,这是由于 有些没有道理的球退了。第四节的判奖切实其实 对于咱们晦气 ,不外 尔没有以为 那是咱们输球的缘故原由 。湖人的打击 回开比咱们多了9次啊。正在那么一场症结 战里,面临 一收施展 精彩 的强队,那特么便是一座易以超越 的下山啊。

[–]Lakers matticans7pointO 42 指標 1小時前

Jesus Christ the Nuggets are fucking good. Regardless if this series goes 5 games or 7 I gotta tip my cap to them. I new they were good but I didn't know they were this good. Man they are fun to watch.

湖人球迷:天呐,您们挖金挨患上很特么没有错啊。且岂论 那轮系列赛能挨到5场照样 7场,尔皆患上为他们面赞。以前便晓得挖金很强,可尔没有晓得有那么强啊。实的颇有不雅 赏性。

[–][WAS] Darvin Ham BigBoutros 218 指標 1小時前

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