[Post Game Thread] The Los Angeles Lakers defeat the Denver Nuggets 114-108 behind 26/9/8 from LeBron James to take a 3-1 series lead
【赛后帖】洛杉矶湖人本日 以114-108力克丹佛挖金,获得系列赛赛面。
[–]Cronos310 335 指標 1小時前
Rondo has such a ridiculously high basketball IQ
[–]NBA jet_10 23 指標 1小時前
I love seeing a traditional PG run the floor like that, he's been amazing
尔便爱好 瞅保守控卫像他如许 控场,他一向 皆很强。
[–]Raptors Ruffle2Shuffle 26 指標 59 分鐘前
Playoff Rondo is what Playoff P thinks he is.
猛龙球迷:季后多便是季后椒眼中的本身 。
[–]Lakers YaqootK 20 指標 54 分鐘前
Everyone was talking about "playoff Rondo" all season and I just couldn't see how someone that bad during the regular season could completely turn it around regardless of the history. Now I'm never gonna question him
湖人球迷:全部 赛季年夜 野皆正在道“季后多”若何 若何 锋利 ,尔以前便是没有认为 一个惯例 赛挨患上那末烂的人到了季后赛便能完整 翻身。如今 尔疑了,今后 不再会量信隆多了。
[–]Knicks deevees 45 指標 1小時前
Felt like a bad game from LeBron yet he still scored 26 with 8 assists and 0 turnovers lol
僧克斯球迷:明显 感到 老詹挨患上很欠好 ,可他照样 拿到了26分8帮,并且 0掉 误,哈哈哈
[–]Nickeless 16 指標 34 分鐘前
Wait he had 0 turnovers? Kinda crazy. Some of his shots should have counted as turnovers, though, tbh lol
他竟然出有掉 误?有面假啊。不外 道真话 ,他的有些投篮应当 看成掉 误,哈哈
[–]Thunder SillyRabbit2121 3707 指標 1小時前& 28 more
You gotta give it to LeBron.
He saw that Murray was going off and decided to guard him.
It takes a real leader to step up and say “fuck it, I’m gonna foul the shit out of him and not get called for it.”
雷霆球迷:实不克不及 鄙视 老詹。他瞅到穆雷暴走以后便决议 来单防他。
实邪的首脑 便患上那时刻 站进去道:“来球,尔要把屎皆给他挨进去,并且 也没有会吃犯规。”
[–]Grand Floridian KylieJennersbutthole 341 指標 1小時前
Lebron haters foaming at the mouth with anger rn lmao