
时间:2020-09-22 17:43       来源: NBA直播吧

I swear to god watching Kawhi lose was almost as sweet as watching Lebron win a ring. And I don’t even hate Kawhi, I just hated hearing the ass clowns crown him Michael Jordan reborn for the last year or two. It feels so good to laugh in their face

尔对于天起誓 ,瞅小卡输球的甜美 感皆快遇上 瞅老詹夺冠了。尔倒也没有是憎恶 他,便是瞅没有惯比来 那一二年年夜 野把他舔成乔丹。

[–]Warriors phonage_aoi 64 指標 2 天前

I'm curious how Kawhi's going to bounce back next year.

He's supposed to be peaking now so we'll see what happens.

懦夫球迷:尔却是 很等待 小卡下赛季的反弹,他如今 应当 要到顶峰 期了,我们照样 刮目相待吧。


起源 :Reddit


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