
时间:2020-09-22 17:43       来源: NBA直播吧

What is your personal favourite LA Clipper quote of the year?

原赛季您小我 最爱好 的快船“格言”是甚么?

Morris: "Cry me a river, Clips in 6"

莫里斯:“您便哭鼻子吧,尔船6场办理 战役 。”

Pat Bev:"The next 5 years are mine"

贝弗利:“将来 五年是尔的。”

Pat Bev: "Cancun on 3 "


Pandemic P: "And you getting sent home again this year "

风行 病椒:“您们本年 又被收回野咯。”

Pandemic P: "We still in the drivers seat, no panic mode, i like our odds."

风行 病椒:“咱们仍脚握自动 权,出需要 惊恐 ,尔爱好 咱们的得胜 几率。”

Montrezl: "Bitch-ass white boy"



[–]Black TeaOnly 1382 指標 2 天前

"I'm the modern day Dennis Rodman. For real." - Montrezl Harrell

Also Montrezl Harrell:

Game 4: 2 boards

Game 5: 1 board

Game 6: 3 boards

Game 7: 3 boards

Jokic averaging almost 60% from the floor against him while he and the rest of the lengthy Denver players are relishing when he's on the floor instead of Zubac.

哈雷我:“尔是现代 罗德曼,实实的。”



约基偶对于位哈雷我时的场均射中 率靠近 60%。当哈雷我替下祖巴茨时,约基偶战挖金其余年夜 个皆挨患上很润泽津润 。

[–]livethefourth 484 指標 2 天前

What he means is he's grabbing boards like the modern 60 year old Rodman. Respect him giving recognition to the greats.

哈雷我这话的意义是道他本身 能够像60岁确当代罗德曼这样抢板。背承认 先辈 的他给以尊敬 !

[–][LAL] Magic Johnson ByebyDaniels 184 指標 1 天前

60 year old Rodman is still getting more boards than that.


[–]76ers neimer28 263 指標 2 天前

Lmao did he really say that? His play style is literally the opposite of Rodman. He can score well, but is not a great at rebounding or defense.

76人球迷:笑逝世 尔了,他实道过这话吗?他的作风 明显 便是反背罗德曼。他患上分借能够,不外 篮板战戍守 实没有咋天。

[–]Black TeaOnly 96 指標 2 天前

Yeah, he said it on a podcast back in July. What's worse is that his whole co妹妹ent goes into similarities in their "process" and he caps it off by saying Rodman deserved more credit than what he got.

是的,他7月正在一次播客节目上道的。更惨的是,他借道本身 战罗德曼的发展 “进程 ”怎样怎样类似 ,并归纳道罗德曼应当 获得 比他本身 更多的承认 。

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