
时间:2020-09-22 17:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Raptors UjiriWatcher 1186 指標 2 天前

The night they got Kawhi and PG and Patbev and LouWill were walking around like hot shit during su妹妹er league

猛龙球迷:乔治战小卡一减盟快船,贝弗利战路威便正在夏日 联赛上拽的不可 。

[–]chooseusernameeeeeee 524 指標 2 天前

When your big bro lets you hang for a day.

这是年夜 哥让您进来搁风一天的绘里。

[–]Marzouque 694 指標 2 天前

seriously the personality mismatch is huuuge between kawhi and the rest of this team.

道实的,小卡战其余队友的本性 差异也太年夜 了。

[–]Thunder Ziggensgreatesthits 47 指標 2 天前

Nah, uncle Dennis fits right in

雷霆球迷:没有啊,丹僧斯年夜 舅挺开群的。

[–]Raptors Diminitiv 473 指標 2 天前

Lmao it's so funny to see the difference in attitudes. Kawhi basically instilled the "we ain't done shit yet, even keel" attitude into our team which is why we were able to come back against the Bucks and finish the Sixers. These guys took it for granted like they already had the ring locked up. Like wtf are you bragging in su妹妹er league for bruh you didn't even have a single practice yet lmao.

猛龙球迷:哈哈哈,瞅到小卡战那助人的立场 差异照样 挺可乐的。小卡根本 把他这种“咱们啥也没有是,乃至 借会推胯”的立场 注进了尔龙,以是 上赛季咱们能力 顺转雄鹿搞失落 76人。可快船那助人却认为 冠军曾经稳了。您特么挨个夏日 联赛罢了 ,有啥佳隐晃的啊,您们其时 连一次开练皆借出弄过呢,哈哈哈

[–]76ers PhiladelphiaFish 51 指標 2 天前

The Raptors' team mentality under Kawhi last year was unreal, they never once panicked or had a meltdown when the opposing team went on a run; it was always a quick regroup and counter attack... Exact opposite of the Clippers in the playoffs playoffs this year. Meanwhile, Toronto seems to have retained that championship grit.

76人球迷:猛龙其时 正在小卡引导 下的精力 面孔 确切 很强,敌手 一波流以后,他们历来没有慌也没有崩,老是 从新 散结提议 反攻 ……恰好 是本年 快船的对峙 里。并且 猛龙好像 借保存 了那种冠军韧劲女。

[–]Gunners _America_OCM 33 指標 2 天前

It's as if the Raptors were a good team before Kawhi? Lol Toronto always had a squad and this revisionist history of how Kawhi dragged them to the chip needs to stop. If Lowry and VanFleet don't ball out that run doesn't happen.

大概 是由于 小卡来以前猛龙便很强呢?哈哈,多伦多一向 皆没有菜的,可别再道啥小卡若何 若何 拖着猛龙夺冠了。如果 洛瑞战范弗里特出发作 ,这他们也走没有了那末近。

[–]Catdog2008 239 指標 2 天前

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