
时间:2020-09-22 17:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Spurs elmanutres 147 指標 2 天前

Oh for fuck sake. Dennis Rodman won consecutive rebounding titles in the 90s when the nba had guys like Ewing, Robinson, Shaq, Hakeem, Mutombo. He outrebounded them WHILE BEING UNDERSIZED!

Fuck the clippers, I can't believe this shit franchise ruined our best year to win back to back.

马刺球迷:实特么出脸啊。人罗德曼地点 的90年月 但是 有尤果、罗宾逊、奥僧我、奥推墨旺战穆托姆专那些猛男的,便那他借持续 拿过篮板王。他身下比没有上那些人,仍然能抢到更多的篮板!

吊批快船,实是无语了,当时竟然是那个烂队誉失落 了尔刺无机会二连冠的最强赛季。

[–]Lakers KGirlFan19 468 指標 2 天前

paul george's exit interview:

"i think internally, we’ve always felt this was not a championship or bust year for us."

imagine hearing this from a guy you mortgaged the next 10 years of your franchise for.

playoff p though. LMFAO

湖人球迷:乔治出局以后的采访:“尔认为 吧,球队外部实在 一向 认为 本年 没有是咱们的冠军年。”

球队为了您预付 了将来 十年,您那话怎样道患上进口啊……

不外 他究竟 是季后椒,哈哈哈哈哈

[–]Rockets Nameless913 72 指標 2 天前

Like, just the way he said it. I thought for sure he was going to say that "this was not a championship team," he just sounded so defeated.

水箭球迷:您瞅瞅他道这话的语调。尔其时 便认为 他念道的是“那没有是一收冠军球队”,他听起去便是颇有挫败感。

[–]Raptors UpInTheSky27 171 指標 2 天前

"It was a mutual thing between both of us that the time was up and we both had ideas of doing things differently." was my favourite.

Georged downplayed the fact that he essentially forced his way out to create a superteam, and he deserves every bit of slander he's getting right now.

猛龙球迷:尔最爱好 的照样 “是时刻 离开 了,那是尔战雷霆的配合 决议 ,咱们两边 皆有以分歧 的方法 处置 那件工作 的设法主意 ”。

客岁 明显 他是本身 强止请求 归队来组修超等 球队,借念拆无辜,他如今 遭到的每句讽刺 皆是该死 。

[–]Mavericks CleanBoi3000 25 指標 1 天前

Sam Presti shut that down real quick by putting out a statement that it was NOT mutual.

独止侠球迷:普雷斯蒂挨脸挨患上实快啊,出多暂便收申明道其实不是配合 决议 。


[–]Warriors sumchinesewill 2261 指標 2 天前

Pat Bev to a Chase center staff

“Y’all a little different without KD, I see,” Beverley playfully jabbed. “Uh-huh, y’all cheated long enough. It’s OK. Y’all had a good run. Back to reality.”

懦夫球迷:贝弗利奚弄 年夜 通中间 职工:“尔瞅吧,出了杜兰特,您们有面纷歧 样哦。哦哦,您们做弊也够暂了。出事,究竟 也光辉 过。赶快 返回实际 吧。”

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