
时间:2020-09-22 17:43       来源: NBA直播吧


[–]Supersonics alik7 810 指標 2 天前

"We're moving to Seattle"


[–]Monkey Think 101 指標 2 天前

Lmao Kawhi leaving a back to back to end up in Seattle

笑逝世 尔了,小卡岂非 要连着二年出奔,便为了降足西俗图嘛

[–]Raptors theaspiringchimp 79 指標 2 天前

Literally further north than Toronto


[–]Supersonics Nuckin_futs_ 51 指標 2 天前

We the north

超音速球迷:究竟 北境之王

[–]Mavericks hawk8024 90 指標 2 天前

It honestly really would be great to have the Supersonics back, hope it happens someday.

独止侠球迷:如果 能让超音速返来 借挺佳的,愿望 有晨一日能真现吧

[–]Lakers tanngrizzle 100 指標 2 天前

It’ll happen. I’d put money on the league expanding to 32 teams once we get past Covid as a way to boost revenue and pay off some debts. Seattle and... Somewhere. But Seattle for sure.

湖人球迷:会有那末一天的。尔赌博 ,比及 新冠停止 了,同盟 为了扩展 营支借债,确定 会裁军到32个队,这便是西俗图战其余某个处所 。确定 有西俗图。

[–]Warriors 2RINITY 454 指標 2 天前

Don’t move them, disband and replace them. I don’t want the new SuperSonics catching any Clippers stank

懦夫球迷:别间接把快船搬曩昔 啊,要把他们挨集了再沉组。尔可没有愿望 新的超音速被玷辱 了。

[–]Disastrous_Loss1798 252 指標 2 天前

Move them to Mexico since they want to go to Cancun so badly.


[–]jjchicaz 1304 指標 2 天前

LOL.This is the EXACT reason why Kawhi was better off with the Raptors, not these fucking fools who run their mouths before winning anything at all. Losers.

哈哈哈哈,以是 道啊,小卡便该留正在猛龙。而没有是战那助一事无成却嘴巴出门女的一助憨批干队友。

[–]Warriors ssmike27 168 指標 2 天前

Honestly I kind of expected it. I feel like people way overrated the Clippers, even though their chemistry kind of sucked. Kawhi probably should have stayed in Toronto honestly. Would have been another trip to the finals this year. Also I’m glad PG is out of the playoffs so early. Dude doesn’t catch enough flak for demanding a trade twice. He just jumps ship if the situation isn’t working.

懦夫球迷:道实,快船那个终局 尔是有面预感 的。以前便感到 年夜 野过高估他们了,哪怕他们化教反响 密烂的时刻 也是。小卡实该留守多伦多,原来 本年 借能冲冠的。再者,乔治那么早从季后赛出局尔挺愉快 的。那货以前二主要供归队便出咋被喷。只有情形 纰谬 他便会跑路的。

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