
时间:2020-10-17 17:45       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Cavaliers CapturedSoul 26 指標 11小時前

Lebron also worked on his post game after 2011. People forget but back then he literally did not know how to post up and was going thru similar growing pains Gianni's is going thru with good defenses on him.

骑士球迷:11年事后 ,詹姆斯也锤炼 了本身的高位违挨技巧 。年夜 野皆记了那茬,不外 其时 他借实没有晓得怎样违挨,也正在阅历 着战现在 的字母哥一致的发展 的苦楚 。

[–]cruelstarfishthesis 16 指標 9小時前

It really makes you appreciate Hakeem tho doesn't it? One of the best mentors out there

那借实患上感激 奥推墨旺,对于吧?这便是史上最强导师之一。


起源 :Reddit


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