
时间:2020-10-17 17:45       来源: NBA直播吧

独止侠球迷:带维斯貌似27了?他仍然另有 佳多少年的顶峰 。他可比莺歌战鲍我那种球员强太多了,那乃至 皆不消 问。


[–]Mavericks AnthonyTyrael 124 指標 13小時前

Dude is just impressive.

Enjoy him and some other greats in the NBA for as long as they keep playing.



[–]kopkiwi 6 指標 6小時前

It's like The Federer v Nadal debate with Tennis. STFU and enjoy the fact that for nearly 20 years we've watched 2 of the most insane Tennis player ever, at the same time. Add Novak into that mix and you have a ridiculous run of dominance from 3 players.

便像网球界的费德勒战纳达我之争。争个屁啊,佳佳观赏 不可 吗?快20年了,我们但是 睹证了史上最强网球活动 员之两的扮演 啊,再减上德约,他们仨那些年轮番 坐庄的统制力的确 是弗成 思议。

[–]Listen Bruv 62 指標 10小時前

I think it’s important to realize that Lebron will only be in the league for maybe 4 years or less - max. And his peak may continue for another year or two or three before he hangs it up or runs on fumes.

People need to stop debating and just stop and stare and soak in what’s happening.

It’s going to be really difficult for another player to match this level of achievement.

Source: Early career Lebron hater

尔认为 年夜 野必需 患上明确 一面,老詹大概 至多只可正在同盟 挨4年球了。他的顶峰 期大概 另有 个一二年,乃至 是三年,而后他便进役大概 力有未逮 了。

我们实不克不及 再那么吵上来了,歇歇吧,存眷 并沉醉 于当下所产生 的统统 吧。

今后 借念瞅到他那种军功 显赫的球员,怕是极端艰苦 了。

起源 :詹姆斯生活 晚期的喷子。

[–]Strid3r21 46 指標 9小時前

lebron's longevity is going to be solely based off if he can avoid any serious injuries.

He has such a high BB iQ that even if he's not physically as dominant in the coming years he will adapt his game and still be a force to have to deal with. Even if he's not driving to the basket every other play.

詹姆斯的生活 寿命只是与决于他能否能防止 庞大 伤病。

他的球商其实 是过高了,哪怕往后 多少年他的身材 统制力下滑,哪怕他没有再时没有时天打击 篮下,他也会调剂 竞赛 作风 ,仍然是敌手 没有敢年夜 意的存留。

[–]Habefiet 16 指標 9小時前

What’s stopping him from staying in longer, assuming no injuries? A diminished LeBron would still be a starter, a greatly diminished LeBron would still be better than most current bench players. It’s possible that he would quit once he was bench material, but if his son gets into the NBA and they can get their way onto the same team I can see him sticking it out as long as his body allows. He’s obviously very concerned with his legacy and the longer he stays in the more lifetime points / assists / etc. he gets. I would honestly give like a 10-15% chance that he tries to break the age record explicitly to add to his legacy further and make him feel untouchable