
时间:2020-10-17 17:45       来源: NBA直播吧

They say that when hes not in their team. When hes on their team they start sucking his dick. Even the heat sub were talking shit about lebron during series lol.

Thats when i realized these fans talk about loyalty and shit but they dont have any. They just want players to win them a championship so theyll feel better about their lives momentarily.

他们之以是 会那么道,这是由于 老詹没有正在他们客队。如果 有了老詹,他们便坐马开端 跪舔了。以前总决赛时代 ,便连冷水博区也正在喷老詹,哈哈哈哈

尔其时 便明确 了,那些球迷嘴上道着忠实 之类的屁话,可本身 实在 一面也没有忠实 。他们不过愿望 球员们拿个冠军,进而让本身 正在生涯 中临时 难受面。

[–]Lakers KawhiCancunFMVP 79 指標 13小時前

Lakers sucked for 7 yrs and didn't win for 10 years, that felt super long for me like when Kobe won his last with Shaq before Pau came and I can't even imagine what it's like for fans of teams who've never even reach the finals.

I KNOW I'm spoiled not only with success but the all time players I've managed to watch in my lifetime on this team and that's exactly why I don't understand fans who choose their pride than accept an all time player lead them.

湖人球迷:尔湖沉溺 了7年,以前10年无冠,尔曾经感到 很冗长了,便像回到了减索我去以前OK拉拢末了 一次夺冠这会女。以是 尔没法设想,这些客队从已退过决赛的球迷们是啥感触感染 。

尔晓得本身 被惯坏了,不只 是由于 尔湖的造诣 ,另有 那辈子正在尔湖可以或许 瞅到的这些汗青 级球星,邪果如斯 ,尔便出法懂得 这些所谓的宁要庄严 也不肯 接收 一个汗青 级球星戴队的球迷。

[–]Trail Blazers NeverPull0ut 16 指標 8小時前

As a Blazers fan whose team (almost) always makes the playoffs but hasn’t been a serious contender since 2001... I would trade our consistent success over the past two decades for 1-2 legitimate shots at a championship in a heartbeat.

开辟 者球迷:尔的客队险些 从已出席过季后赛,但是 自挨01年事后 ,便没有算啥争冠球队了……假如 能换去一二次实邪的打击 冠军的机遇 ,尔乐意 坐马废弃 曩昔 那20年咱们那些稳固 的成就 。

[–]Lakers sigmapro 23 指標 10小時前

What’s different in LA this time is that he got Anthony fucking Davis to join. Even if he left in 2 years, LA would still have an incredibly bright future, much much brighter than keeping Ingram & Ball if you ask me.

湖人球迷:尔湖此次 夺冠的分歧 的地方正在于,詹姆斯有了特么带维斯的赞助 。哪怕他二年内走人,尔湖仍然远景 光亮 ,要尔道的话,比留住莺歌战鲍我要光亮 很多很多。

[–]Mavericks freezerdonoyamete 24 指標 9小時前

AD is what, 27 years old? He's still got years of elite play left in him. Having him is so much better than having the likes of Ingram and Ball that it's not even a question.