
时间:2020-10-17 17:45       来源: NBA直播吧

LeBron in 9 seasons since 2011 failure: 8 Finals appearances, 4 championships, 4 FMVPs. Averages of 29.2/9.4/7.3 on 59.6 TS% in 168 playoff games with 3 different franchises

11年总决赛掉 利以后9个赛季,老詹8次挨退总决赛,4次夺冠,拿到4个FMVP。正在三收分歧 球队同参战了168场季后赛,场均29.2分9.4板7.3帮,实在射中 率59.6%。

One of the most dominant decades by a single player in league history capped off with yet another Finals MVP for King James. Will the 2020s belong to LeBron as well? Only time will tell

搁眼NBA汗青 ,那皆是最具统制力的小我 下光十年之一,并且 国王詹姆斯那又拿下了一个FMVP。下一个十年借会属于詹姆斯吗?


[–]Huhuagau 1154 指標 13小時前

People genuinely think (even with these results) that it's a bad idea to let Bron run and dictate teams. They talk about him selling off teams futures and picking players to win like it's a bad thing. And it's like... Have you seen the success he brings? Literally any franchise would kill to have his success in the past decade. It's amazing watching the mental gymnastics

借实有人认为 (哪怕他成就 斐然)不克不及 让老詹管控战安排 球队。他们道他为了夺冠,买失落 了球队的将来 而后挑去一点儿球员,弄患上像是好事一致。提及 去……岂非 您们瞅没有到老詹戴去的胜利 吗?曩昔 十年能如果 获得他那种造诣 ,换所有球队根本 都邑 梦寐以求 。

[–][LAL] Kobe Bryant HanBr0 58 指標 14小時前

LeBron can do whatever the fuck he wants to the Lakers if it means another chip within the next 3 years.

湖人球迷:假如 往后 三年借能拿一个冠军,这僧玛勒布朗念搞啥皆成。

[–]妹妹妹妹m_pi 362 指標 10小時前

The Zach Lowe quote from his podcast a couple weeks ago puts it really well:

"When you get Lebron James...Coaches will get fired, draft picks/young players will get traded to get him his help, but Lebron will take you to the Finals (barring any injuries). He will not lose in the Conference Finals, he will not have a blip in the Second Round...that's the payout."

Zach Lowe二周前正在他播客上这段话道患上蛮佳:“当您获得 詹姆斯以后……主锻练 会被炒,选秀签战年青 人会被生意业务 进来换回詹姆斯的副手 ,不外 老詹能戴队挨退总决赛(条件 没有受伤)。他没有会正在分区决赛输球,也没有会正在两轮推胯……那便是报答。”

[–]Huhuagau 133 指標 10小時前

And people think that's a bad thing. I don't understand it. But they do. The amount of people who would have gone to town tearing him apart for "his" roster construction if they lost would have been insane without any assessment that it's actually amazing to make the finals any year, even if you don't win it