
时间:2020-10-17 17:45       来源: NBA直播吧

凯我特人球迷:他既作用了本身 也作用了老詹,但是本身更多。他“抢”了老詹一二个戒指,但是他也必定 水平 上注水了本身 的二个戒指,由于 懦夫实质 上便是出有詹姆斯的梦之队。以是 道,哪怕如今 阿杜有了二个戒指,年夜 多半 人仍然愿望 他能证实 本身 ,正在更加实际 的情况 下拿到一个冠军。

[–]Canada MATH137IsJustHSCalc 16 指標 9小時前

Lebron has both benefited and been a victim of the player movement era that he pretty much started.

减拿年夜 球迷:提及 球员抱团,老詹既是得益者也是遇害者,究竟 谁人 风尚 算是他启的头。

[–]Thats Preposterous6 27 指標 9小時前

That is true. I would say the big 3 in Boston truly started it, though. LeBron going to Miami made it take off

那是究竟 。不外 尔认为 实邪的初做俑者是波士整理的三巨子 。詹姆斯来迈阿稀以后便成为了一种风尚 。


[–]NBA BorosSerenc 113 指標 10小時前

People slandered lebron for ruining the Cavs future... lmao.. The fucking Cleveland Cavaliers one of the all-time shittest franchises got some big contracts to pay after he left and he only got them 4 Eastern conference championships and ended a 50 year city wide championship drought.

以前另有 人道是詹姆斯誉了骑士的将来 呢……笑逝世 尔了……特么克利妇兰骑士明显 是史上最烂球队之一,老詹走后他们竟然借收出了多少个年夜 条约 ,何况 老詹借戴队4夺分区冠军,停止 了50年的冠军荒。

[–]Ok Function8 10 指標 7小時前

I was one of those slanderers and have only recently come around as I see the Blazers get injured year after year and not make it.

The Cavs fucking sucked before he showed up. It's not like he trashed the Louvre or something.

从前 尔也那么乌过老詹,到比来 才觉悟 过去,由于 尔瞅到开辟 者年复一年天遭受 伤病,出法获得年夜 做为。

老詹冒头以前,骑士原来 便菜患上一匹,别弄患上像是老詹誉失落 了一座宫殿一致。

[–]Huhuagau 27 指標 10小時前

It's madness. Either he's responsible for the wins and the costs of that or he's not responsible (from a managers aspect) for the wins and the costs of that. Either way, he's bought a championship to every team he's gone to. Seems like he knows what he's doing

这些人的确 离谱。要末赢球战为此支付 的价值 皆取老詹有关(从总司理 角度而行),要末便齐皆相关。不论 咋道,他所到的地方皆戴去了冠军。他晓得本身 正在搞啥。

[–]cruelstarfishthesis 19 指標 9小時前

Also the Cavs aren't in a terrible position rn. They've got great young pieces, most of their draft picks, and they're finally going to be below the tax line. The only awkward things for them are figuring out what to do with Love/Dru妹妹ond and whether to re-sign TT but those issues have nothing to do with Lebron. It'll take a few years to sort out but this team has some promise