【键盘侠】手握LBJ 有失更有得|为冠军 梭哈一把(9)

时间:2020-09-30 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Lakers Bladex20 44 指標 5小時前

Even if Lakers win this championship and for whatever reason AD walks like Kawhi did, That trade was still worth it

湖人球迷:哪怕尔湖那赛季夺冠以后,带维斯也像客岁 的小卡一致走人,客岁 的这笔生意业务 也是值患上的。

[–]Lakers gbdarknight77 22 指標 4小時前

Man, idk why AD would leave. He loves LeBron and the LA family has fully embraced him. He’s also getting all the knowledge and leadership tips that Bron tried to give to Kyrie.

Bron is also, for the first time in 8 years, playing within a system. It’s subtle but when rondo is the primary ball handler, you can see rondo calling the plays and LeBron following in the offense and fitting in the offensive scheme

湖人球迷:带维斯会没有会走人借实欠好 道。他很细化老詹,并且 洛乡那个年夜 野庭也完整 回收 了他。他也获得 了昔时 欧文这样被老詹教授 引导 力的机遇 。

并且 詹姆斯也是8年里初次 正在系统 内挨球。虽然说没有显著 ,不外 当隆多主控的时刻 ,您能够瞅到他叫战略,而老詹则服从 批示 融进到打击 系统 以内。

[–]Hornets HighThaiGuy 279 指標 7小時前

LeBron can sign a one year contract with a different team each year and get to the finals every time.

黄蜂球迷:老詹能够每一个赛季战分歧 球队签一份一年开约,而后屡屡皆能退总决赛、

[–]Mavericks DreadSteed 57 指標 4小時前

I would pay whatever amount of money for tickets if he came to the Mavs for a year.

独止侠球迷:如果 他去尔牛挨一个赛季,不论 门票多贵,尔都邑 费钱 来瞅。

[–]Lakers herooftime7 12 指標 5小時前

i'm going to miss lebron so much when he retires

湖人球迷:比及 老詹进役以后,尔会佳念他的。


起源 :Reddit


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