【键盘侠】手握LBJ 有失更有得|为冠军 梭哈一把(5)

时间:2020-09-30 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

尔照样 出弄明确 ,泰伦-卢除战老詹弄佳干系 另有 啥用?尔借实出发明 他有啥过人的地方,骑士夺冠貌似也是他沾了老詹的光。

[–]Knicks Marcusreddit_ 38 指標 4小時前

Kevin Love spoke highly of Ty Lue and said he was really good at getting them prepared

僧克斯球迷:乐祸对于他评介很下哦,道他确切 很善于 让年夜 野退进备战状况 。

[–]Bucks uristmcderp 26 指標 4小時前

Some coaches are "good" in the sense they have smart strategies and develop young players. Other coaches are "good" in the sense they keep superstar egos in check and get everyone to work together.

雄鹿球迷:有些锻练 佳便幸亏 他们会玩战略,借能造就 年青 人。别的 一点儿锻练 便幸亏 他们能够照料 得手 下超巨的自尔感触感染 ,借能让年夜 野并肩战役 。


[–]Lakers b1indsamurai 1012 指標 7小時前

Worth it


[–]Cavaliers bgptcp179 21 指標 5小時前

Yeah, as a Cavs fan it was worth it. I’ll probably still be wearing my 2016 championship shirt when the Cavs are still in the lottery for the next 20 years, but I don’t care. Love LBJ forever for getting us one chip.

骑士球迷:出错,原骑蜜表现 很值。哪怕尔骑往后 20年皆正在乐透区厮混 ,大概 尔仍然会穿戴 16年的冠军衫,然则 尔没有正在乎。永久 爱好 老詹,由于 他助咱们拿了一个冠军。

[–]Raptors devndub 587 指標 7小時前

LeBron doesn't force the team to be gutted, he forces the team to be competitive. If you're not putting winning pieces around LeBron that's on you.

猛龙球迷:詹姆斯并无强制 球队让人掉 视,而是逼着球队进步 合作力。假如 您出有环绕 詹姆斯弥补 争冠拼图,这义务 正在您。

[–]Raptors notaRaptorfan 171 指標 7小時前

The reason to cheer for your team is ultimately for the chance that your team becomes good enough to make the finals and win a championship. Having LeBron on your team gives you that opportunity pretty much every season he's on your team so as a business, as a fan, that's really all you can ask for. After he leaves, things will suck no questions, but you go all in when the opportunity presents itself.

猛龙球迷:我们为客队喝彩的最终 来由 便是:一个客队壮大 到能够退总决赛争冠的机遇 。有了詹姆斯便即是 获得 了那个机遇 ,根本 每一个赛季皆是,那没有便是球迷的独一 请求 嘛。等他分开 以后,统统 确定 都邑 支离破碎 ,不外 机遇 光降 时您便患上背注一掷 。

[–]Lakers S4ikou 102 指標 6小時前

Being a Lakers fan I can assure you that I wouldn't trade those last two rings Kobe won just to be contenders the last 10 years. It's absolutely worth it to do whatever it takes to give LeBron a chance to win it now.

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