【键盘侠】手握LBJ 有失更有得|为冠军 梭哈一把(7)

时间:2020-09-30 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]coffeemakespoopoo 87 指標 6小時前

Kuzma makes pennies so there is no reason to trade him, just pray he improves with one more offseason before letting him go in free agency the year after if not.

Green isn't even terrible, he's the perfect type of role player to put around LeBron. While his 3's have been inconsistent he's still a good defender just don't ever let him dribble the ball.

Lakers are going to run it back next season with the way contracts are structured, it's the year after that will have huge moves(only Bron/AD will be on contract).

库兹马赚患上又没有多,出来由 收走他,照样 祷告 他再过一个戚赛期能提高 吧,假如 照样 不可 再让他退进自在商场也没有早啊。

格林借实算没有上很菜,他是詹姆斯身旁的完善 副角 。虽然说三分没有稳固 ,但是戍守 照样 很强啊,别让他运球便止。

湖人下赛季仍然强势,不外 第三年便会有年夜 行动 了(只要詹姆斯战带维斯正在条约 年)。

[–]Lakers WorstBalloonEU 54 指標 6小時前*

Lebron even has a player option on his last year 21-22, so if he feels like he wants more firepower at that point, he can just take a bit less money at that point to make sure the team is loaded up. Not that anyone would expect him to do that.

湖人球迷:詹姆斯正在21/22赛季是球员选项,以是 假如 他到时刻 以为 球队要扩大气力 ,这他能够少拿一拾拾,进而包管 球队军多将广啊。不外 咱也不克不及 指着他那么干。

[–]Lakers yardplayfaction 30 指標 5小時前

That’s fine. He will keep the lakers relevant. Lakers fans want lebron to retire a laker

湖人球迷:也能够啊。横竖 他会留正在尔湖。湖蜜愿望 他正在那里进役。

[–]Lakers WorstBalloonEU 17 指標 5小時前

Agreed, hopefully he stays for as long as he wants to keep playing. I wholeheartedly welcome the idea of watching him chase Kareem's point record as a Laker.

湖人球迷:赞成 ,只有他借念挨,这便愿望 他留正在尔湖。尔是谦心等待 着他正在湖人冲破 贾巴我的汗青 总患上分记载 。

[–]coffeemakespoopoo 48 指標 6小時前

Bron is opting out and taking a full 5 year max, the dude wants to be a billionaire + team owner, needs that cash. Who the fuck knows though, he might be worth that money even at age 38-40 lol.

老詹会跳出开约,签下一份五年顶薪的,那野伙念干亿万财主 当球队老板啊,他须要 钱。不外 那特么谁算患上准呢,大概 他到了38到40岁照样 值谁人 价,哈哈哈哈

[–]Rockets Dudedude88 20 指標 6小時前

I dont think LBJ will ever be rich enough to own an NBA franchise. The average franchise is valued at 2-3 billion. Lebron is wealthy but i doubt he will ever make 2 billion. Hell probably make 1 billion over his lifetime though.

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