【键盘侠】手握LBJ 有失更有得|为冠军 梭哈一把(4)

时间:2020-09-30 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

There’s a lot more busts than superstars..

Draft picks are just lottery tickets. It’s often better to trade draft picks for a proven player that will complement your team, than gamble and hope a miracle happens

后劲股火失落 的比成为超巨的多很多……

选秀签便是乐透门票。用选秀签来换一个能够补强球队的生男球星,总佳过豪赌新秀、寄愿望 于事业 产生 。

[–]Suns PositiveWestern 77 指標 4小時前

But those picks could be anyone, they might be as good as Lebron James!

太阴球迷:但是 这些选秀签充斥 没有肯定 性啊,道没有定便出了个詹姆斯呢!

[–][CHI] Derrick Rose YoungSimba20 19 指標 4小時前

More likely they're Greg Oden and Anthony Bennett.

公牛球迷:更大概 是奥登大概 原内特。

[–][LAL] Shaquille O'Neal GoSuckYouMudda 1363 指標 6小時前

Us nabbing Vogel as not the first or 2nd BUT THIRD OPTION. Is a blessing

湖人球迷:沃格我其时 没有是尔湖的第一或者第两挑选,不过第三挑选!的确 是赏赐。

[–]Hawks kali_uchis_dad 403 指標 6小時前

What other coaches were the Lakers targetting? Tyronn Lue?

老鹰球迷:您湖其时 的其余目的 是啥?泰伦-卢?

[–]JayEmSea1 77 指標 6小時前

Ty Lue and Monty Williams. Williams spurned the Lakers to take the Suns job and then the Lakers lowballed Lue so he walked.


[–]Lakers spenrose22 41 指標 5小時前

Didn’t really lowball him, he was asking for a 5 year contract which is long.

湖人球迷:咱借实出怠缓卢,他其时 念要一份五年少约,那也太多了吧。

[–]Un_cs 740 指標 6小時前

Yes, there was an offer for ty lue but he rejected it. Probably because the deal was too short. Hilarious that people thought that if the Lakers did poorly, Vogel would get fired as a scapegoat for Jason kidd to take over. Meanwhile doc gets fired.

确切 ,其时 湖人找过卢,然则 被他谢绝 了。大概 是由于 这份开约过短了。故意 思的是,客岁 另有 人理想 如果 湖人挨患上欠好 ,沃格我便会被当作违锅侠炒失落 ,而后基德上位。成果 里弗斯却是 下课了。

[–]reddishMVP 73 指標 5小時前

I mean... If the Lakers got bounced by the nuggets in the 2nd round, I'm sure vogel would be in the hot seat as well

尔觉着吧……如果 第两轮被挖金翻盘的是您湖,这沃格我的日子确定 也欠好 过。

[–]NBA General-Kn0wledge 52 指標 5小時前

I still don't get this. What does Ty Lue bring to a team besides being tight with Lebron? I've never seen any evidence that he's actually a good coach and it just seems he rode the coattails of Lebron's one Cleveland ring

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