【键盘侠】手握LBJ 有失更有得|为冠军 梭哈一把

时间:2020-09-30 14:43       来源: NBA直播吧

Zach Lowe: "When you get Lebron James..Coaches will get fired, Draft Picks/Young Players will get traded to get him his help, but Lebron will take you to the Finals (barring any injuries). He will not lose in the Conference Finals, he will not have a blip in the Second Round..that's the payout."

NBA名忘Zach Lowe日前正在小我 的播客节目中表现 :“当您获得 詹姆斯以后……主锻练 会被炒,选秀签战年青 人会被生意业务 进来换回詹姆斯的副手 ,不外 老詹能戴队挨退总决赛(条件 没有受伤)。他没有会正在分区决赛输球,也没有会正在两轮推胯……那便是报答。”


[–]Nuggets MileHighCam 3655 指標 7小時前

Gotta be worth it right?.. my team never even been to the finals smh

挖金球迷:确定 很值患上吧?……念尔挖金借从已退过总决赛呢,唉

[–]Raptors iDareToDream 21 指標 5小時前

You guys are on an upwards trajectory though and have been to the WCF, what, twice in the last 3 years? You're on the right path and you have 2 stars/superstars. It's not unreasonable to think Denver could be in the NBA finals at some point in the next 5 years given the youth of your core and the talent.

猛龙球迷:不外 您们升高势头显著 啊,并且 貌似曩昔 三年借退过二次西决?您们走正在准确 的途径 上,并且 另有 二个球星。如果 您挖金将来 五年哪天夺冠了,这也是通情达理 啊,究竟 有一助禀赋 谦谦的年青 焦点 团队。

[–]Nuggets MileHighCam 27 指標 4小時前

Nah last year was 2nd round exit to portland.. but yes i agree we are on the upward trajectory.. but we would already be the best in the west if LA teams couldn't buy free agents.. i don't see that changing any time soon

挖金球迷:没有,上赛季咱们第两轮便被波特兰搞出局了……不外 尔赞成 您道的咱们处于升高期……如果 洛乡单雄不克不及 引退年夜 牌自在人的话,这咱们那会女曾经是西部最强了……可尔认为 如今 那个格式 短时间内是没有会有所有转变 了。

[–]Lakers jackjack320455 30 指標 4小時前

If it ends with a ring, I'm sure it's all worth it. I think Cavs fans can attest to that.

湖人球迷:假如 尔湖原赛季终极 夺冠了,这尔认为 统统 皆挺值患上的。骑士球迷应当 能证明 那一面。

[–]Lakers EpicMusic13 1458 指標 6小時前*

And yet they laugh at him being 3-6. Laugh all you want. All i see is 9, now 10, finals appearances over the last 10 years. Tell me who else has that except those 2-3 HOFs. Yall can go f yourselves

湖人球迷:竟然另有 人讽刺 老詹总决赛3胜6背的战绩,您们念咋讥笑 随便 。横竖 尔便瞅获得 他9次挨总决赛,如今 是第十次了。除这二三个名流 堂传说,却是 道道另有 谁能干到那一面。乌子皆滚细吧!

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