
时间:2020-09-25 21:43       来源: NBA直播吧

偶才球迷:虽然说库里五年去碰着 尔偶才便是一整理暴揍,那面尔很憎恶 ,不外 他的不雅 赏性大概 能够排退汗青 前五。像他如许 过了半场以后便能随意 扔的人,尔认为 如今 同盟 里只要利推德。惦念 库里过了半场一二步以后35码中拔起启炮空心进网,再边朝回进边憨憨耸肩的绘里。

[–]Raptors ThaNorth 109 指標 8 天前

What Steph has over Dame also is being one of the best dribblers in the NBA. The dude can work magic when the ball when at times.

猛龙球迷:库里比拟 利推德的另外一个优点 正在于,他是同盟 最强控球人之一。那野伙偶然 能把球玩出花去。

[–]Warriors las-vegas-raiders 68 指標 8 天前

Dame has handles too. I think the most underrated part of Curry's game is his court vision and passing.

懦夫球迷:利推德控球也很强的。不外 尔认为 库里最被高估的强面照样 他的场上视线战传球。

[–]narmerguy 113 指標 8 天前

Steph's run from 2015-2016 remains my favorite all-time NBA watching experiences. It was like Linsanity for a full season.

库里15/16赛季的扮演 仍然是NBA史上尔最爱好 的不雅 赛体会。便像是全部 赛季皆正在瞅“林猖狂 ”。

[–]jose3013 111 指標 8 天前

It's hard to imagine someone averaging 30 ppg on 50/40/90 for a whole seasonThen you realize he also led the league in steals, made 402 3's and sat out like half the 4th quarters... It truly was one of the best seasons ever

全部 赛季场均30分,三项射中 率分离 是50%、40%战90%,更让您没有敢念的是,他照样 抢断王,单季退了402个赛季,并且 常常 半个第四节皆没有挨……那确切 是史上最强单赛季扮演 之一。


起源 :Reddit


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