
时间:2020-09-25 21:43       来源: NBA直播吧

Sure as long as he's not doing it to Houston like Game 6 last year



[–]The ReeSlimLady 2221 指標 8 天前

Seems like unless you really hate the Warriors you should like watching Steph play. He played with a creativity and skill that very few guys throughout history have been able to replicate

除非您是至心 憎恶 懦夫,否则 您便应当 爱好 瞅库里挨球。他球场上这种发明 力取技巧 的联合 ,纵不雅 NBA汗青 ,是出有多少小我 可以或许 复造的。

[–]Warriors RJD-ghost 40 指標 8 天前

I feel like this applies to the majority of the players In the league.Chris Paul ticks me off most of the time but he is so fun to watch.His basketball IQ is insane.

懦夫球迷:尔认为 您那个道法搁正在同盟 年夜 部门 球员身上皆实用 。尔一样平常 是很没有爽保罗的,不外 他挨患上极端有不雅 赏性。他的球商太强了。

[–]The ReeSlimLady 12 指標 8 天前

I mean yeah lol true basketball fans should like watching great players play. There’s a few exceptions if you don’t like flopping or relying on refs but for the most part ball is ball

这是确定 的,哈哈哈,实球迷皆应当 观赏 这些顶级球员的扮演 。假如 您睹没有患上假摔大概 是依附 裁判,这也有小部门 惯例,不外 年夜 部门 球员照样 用气力 措辞 的。

[–]Bulls Zorak9379 31 指標 8 天前

I really hate the Warriors and still miss watching Steph and Klay

公牛球迷:尔至心 憎恶 懦夫,可尔却仍然惦念 库里战克莱。

[–]Rockets C0stcoWholesale 52 指標 8 天前

It's a love hate thing. I absolutely love Curry's game but also hate that he always puts us away :'(

I feel like hes been under-rated ever since KD joined, and especially now that he's rarely played for a year. Next year will be fun to watch, esp since there's no reason for me to dislike their team anymore (double sad face).

水箭球迷:那便是爱恨交集。尔尽对于是很爱好 库里球风的,不外 尔也憎恶 他老是 欺侮 尔水(¬◡¬)

尔感到 哈,自挨阿杜减盟懦夫以后,库里便一向 是被高估的,况且 那一年去他又出怎样挨球。下赛季会很悦目 的,究竟 尔也再出有所有来由 来憎恶 懦夫了(惆怅 脸)。

[–][NYK] Latrell Sprewell tickub 1147 指標 8 天前

It's his tireless off-ball movement for me. Dude ran circles around everyone with or without the ball. It seems like every other star guard just willingly stays away from the action on far too many possessions.

僧克斯球迷:库里孜孜不倦的无球跑动最能感动 尔。不论 有球出球,那老哥老是 一直 绕圈。貌似其余球星后卫无球时的介入 感近近没有如他。

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