
时间:2020-09-25 21:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Trail Blazers matrixreloaded 46 指標 8 天前

it's pretty amazing how consistently excellent Curry has been from 3 his entire career. Another interesting thing to add is that he's also attempted (tbf marginally) more 3PA per game than the other 2 excellent 3pt shooters as well.

开辟 者球迷:最宝贵 的是,库里全部 事业生活 的三分投射皆能如斯 连续 的强势。再道面故意 思的,比起三分投射也很锋利 的哈登战利推德,库里的场均三分脱手 次数也多很多。

[–]Raptors ThaNorth 369 指標 8 天前

Both Steph and Klay have never had a season shooting under 40% from 3.

猛龙球迷:克莱战库里的单季三分射中 率从已高于40%。

[–]Warriors Istovi 229 指標 8 天前

And on the same team

懦夫球迷:并且 他俩照样 一个队的……

[–]st6374 138 指標 8 天前

Yup... Arguably two of the greatest shooters in the history of the game playing together while in their prime in an era where 3pt shooting is emphasised. Just grateful to be witnessing it.

是啊……正在现在 那么一个重视 三分的年月 ,汗青 顶级投脚之两竟然能正在各自的顶峰 期并肩做战。可以或许 睹证那统统 的确 是球迷之幸。

[–]Raptors MrAnder5on 141 指標 8 天前

I mean they're the reason 3pt shooting is so prominent. They changed the game

猛龙球迷:他俩便是三分变患上如斯 主要 的缘故原由 地点 。他们转变 了竞赛 作风 。

[–]therealdankshady 35 指標 8 天前*

Its crazy that one team could have arguably the two greatest 3pt shooters ever. Like if your an opposing defense what are you supposed to do?

太失常 了,一个队竟然有二个汗青 最顶尖的三分弓手 。您如果 敌手 ,借怎样玩啊?

[–]unoriginal_usernam3 110 指標 8 天前

Double up on both of them, then put P.J. Tucker on the remaining 3 players.

包夹他俩,而后让塔克来防剩下三小我 。

[–]Warriors uberdosage 136 指標 8 天前

Lot more Eastern Conference folks missing Steph than the Western Conference fans are. H妹妹妹妹 wonder why

懦夫球迷:哈哈哈,东部球迷比西部球迷更惦念 库里。呃那是为啥呢(≖‿≖)

[–]EmileMatta 116 指標 8 天前

East fans hate Lebron and West fans hate Curry, that's what 8 and 5 straight trips to the finals would do to conference.

东部球迷憎恶 老詹,西部球迷憎恶 库里,谁让他俩一个持续 8年一个持续 5年挨总决赛的……

[–][BOS] Larry Bird jaylson 23 指標 8 天前

I'm missing Kyrie too, and he was a total shithead towards the end of his boston tenure. In the end, most people like watching good basketball.

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