
时间:2020-09-25 21:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Knicks unrulystowawaydotcom 17 指標 8 天前

This was my favorite thing about watching Steph.

僧克斯球迷:那也是库里身上最使尔观赏 的特点。

[–]Lakers Boros-Reckoner 8 指標 8 天前

I absolutely love watching Stephs gravity effect take place, the dude has made two defenders run into each other on more than one occasion without the ball its fascinating

湖人球迷:尔确切 是很爱好 瞅库有引力施展 感化 的,他没有持球也能用跑动没有行一次的让对于圆二名戍守 人碰到一路 ,那个绘里实的很诱人。

[–]Warriors quadroplegic 66 指標 8 天前

Most teams defensive plan is to just hold him when he tries to cut, so with bubble refs actually calling off-ball fouls, he'd be a freaking playoff monster.

懦夫球迷:当他试图空切时,年夜 多半 球队的戍守 战略 便是一把推住,再联合 复赛以后裁判出对于无球犯规吹奖之宽,如果 库里正在挨季后赛,这确定 是失常 级的怪物。

[–]Pelicans PrimeShaq 97 指標 8 天前

Let's be real, Steph still wouldn't get those calls.

鹈鹕球迷:认浑实际 吧,库里照样 出哨的。

[–]techacct56k 471 指標 8 天前

You’re right. I think that the off ball stuff that Curry and Klay both do (and any other guards really) has become more widely appreciated as an important skills during this postseason, after players like Harden and Lillard in particular have been shown up for not having it in their arsenal and suffering for it

出错。尔认为 本年 季后赛此后,库里战克莱那种无球技巧 曾经愈来愈被年夜 野看重 了,究竟 哈登战利推德那种级其余 球员曾经证实 了,本身 出有那种杀招且反受其乏。

[–]Taiakun 16 指標 8 天前

I recall Rip Hamilton also being well known for doing that back in the mid-2000's Detroit Pistons. Those were good times.

尔忘患上原世纪头十年的中期这收活塞队里,汉稀我整理也因此此著名 的。这实是美妙 的时间 啊。

[–]Lakers Krawii 77 指標 8 天前

I wouldn't say Dame is nearly as bad about that as Harden

湖人球迷:尔以为 利推德的无球杀伤照样 比哈登强很多的。

[–]Raptors ThaNorth 100 指標 8 天前

He kinda is though. He really doesn't move much at all when he passes the ball away.

猛龙球迷:哈登确切 有面。他把球传进来以后,实的是出有甚么跑动。

[–]Warriors WowHeUgly 499 指標 8 天前

Watching Harden get doubled, pass and not move is so painful.


[–]NBA Mintastic 285 指標 8 天前

The funniest is when he's doubled near halfcourt and passes out, then doesn't appear on camera for like several seconds.

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