
时间:2020-09-25 21:43       来源: NBA直播吧

凯我特人球迷:虽然说欧文正在尔凯前期完整 便是个忘八 ,不外 尔也挺念他的。道终归,年夜 部门 人照样 爱好 瞅出色 球赛的。

[–]Kings kay_knox 60 指標 8 天前

West hate seems to be towards the Warriors in general, not Curry specifically.

国王球迷:貌似西部球迷恶感根本 的是懦夫,而没有是针对于库里。

[–]Warriors nateoak10 29 指標 7 天前

You’d be surprised. No one hates Klay. Draymond gets hate but not really serious fuck that star hate. More like stfu you’re annoying hate. KD got hate and left and it’s been quiet. Steph barely played and everyone went at him for his injury and saying those 4 games show the last 5 years were a fluke. They do hate Steph specifically

懦夫球迷:道个让您惊奇 的,出人憎恶 克莱。逃梦遭人喷,但是实在 借实算没有上这种球星乌。更像是讨人厌。阿杜从前 也被乌,走了以后便宁静 了。

库里那个赛季皆出怎样挨,成果 许多 人皆盯着他的伤病没有搁,喷他进场 的四场竞赛 证实 他过从五年的强势不过荣幸 。这些人便是逃着库里乌。


[–]Your PupilsDilated 383 指標 8 天前

Miss all of them.

Steph and his insane magic on the court.

Klay getting hotter than the fucking sun.

Kyrie and his ridiculous lay-ups.

And KD shooting over whoever the fuck he wants.

It's weird not seeing them play.

尔惦念 他们全部 人。

惦念 库里正在场上奇异的邪术 ;惦念 比特么的太阴借炽热的克莱;惦念 欧文这神乎其技的上篮;惦念 阿杜管特么眼前 是谁的颜射。

瞅没有到他们照样 挺奇异 的。

[–]Pacers HeyItsChase 151 指標 8 天前

I miss Klay

I miss Steph

I even miss KD a tiny tiny bit

I do not miss the Warriors. Not at all.

步辇儿者球迷:尔惦念 克莱,惦念 库里,乃至 另有 面惦念 阿杜。尔没有惦念 懦夫,一面也没有念。

[–]Warriors TheMagicalLlama 48 指標 8 天前

LOL fair enough. I get how u feel. But I miss KD a damn lot, he was one of the silkiest scorers in history.

懦夫球迷:哈哈哈,道患上很佳。尔懂您的感触感染 。不外 尔特么念逝世 阿杜了,他是同盟 史上技巧 最周全 的患上分别 之一。

[–]Warriors Bandwagon RaijinDrum 11 指標 8 天前

KD's elbow jumper was one of my favorite things to watch in the NBA. He made it look so effortless.

懦夫球迷:阿杜的肘区跳投是尔比拟 爱好 瞅的,感到 他绝不 辛苦 啊。

[–]Wizards AverageJoe_19 201 指標 8 天前

While I hate Steph for dicking over my team for half a decade, he’s probably in the top 5 most interesting and fun players to watch in the NBA. I think dame is the only other guy in the league who can make almost any shot as soon as they pass half court. Miss seeing Steph take 1-2 steps past half court and pulling up from 35+ feet to get nothing but net and then doing his goofy shi妹妹y as he runs back

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