【键盘侠】湖人掘金|穆雷还原库昊操作 希伯特(7)

时间:2020-09-23 20:43       来源: NBA直播吧

Jerami Grant was getting doubled in a conference finals game


[–]Nuggets HugeBreakfast2 36 指標 2小時前

And made a miracle pass out of it lol

挖金球迷:而且 他借收出了一次神级传球,哈哈哈

[–]Warriors Incronaut 15 指標 1小時前

When Grant made that fast break layup with LeBron on one side and I think AD on the other trying to guard him made me think for a split second Grant was the greatest player in the world

懦夫球迷:瞅到格兰特顶着詹姆斯战带维斯的阁下 逃防,一起 下快攻上篮胜利 以后,尔有那末一刹时 认为 他是天下 最强球员。


[–]Wizards lil_layne 2478 指標 3小時前

Now Lakers have to lose next game or else Nuggets are coming back from 3-1

偶才球迷:湖人了局 竞赛 必需 患上输了,否则 挖金要从1-3提议 反攻 了。

[–]Warriors darknecross 1717 指標 3小時前

Nuggets got them right where they want them.

If Lakers win, they face the 3-1 Nuggets.

If Lakers lose, series is tied 2-2.

懦夫球迷:挖金获得 了他们念要的身位。

假如 了局 湖人赢,他们将面临 1-3落伍 的挖金;

假如 湖人输,系列赛2-2挨仄。

[–]Raptors Ruffle2Shuffle 193 指標 3小時前

Next game is a must lose for both teams.

猛龙球迷:了局 竞赛 对于两边 而行,皆是一场必输的竞赛

[–]Pistons Kapono24 69 指標 3小時前

We really don't know if the 2-2 Nuggets are worse, though.

活塞球迷:不外 呢,我们实在 也没有晓得2-2的挖金会没有会更菜啊

[–]Hispanic AtTehDisco 67 指標 3小時前

if the 3-1 nuggets are '98 bulls maybe the 2-2 nugs are KD warriors

假如 1-3落伍 的挖金是98公牛,这大概 2-2的挖金便是阿杜借正在的懦夫。

[–]Raptors yantraman 205 指標 3小時前

Fun fact: All playoff game winning buzzer-beaters in the bubble have been made by the losing team. Luka, OG, AD ...

猛龙球迷:意见意义 科普:本年 季后赛全部 靠尽杀赢过球的球队皆被镌汰 了:东契偶、阿仆诺比、带维斯……

[–]Nuggets Jay_The_Bee 33 指標 2小時前

I like this stat

挖金球迷:尔爱好 那个统计

[–]Raptors Lizardchuckle 61 指標 3小時前

Nuggets v Heat finals plz

猛龙球迷:请托 ,挖金战冷水挨总决赛吧!


起源 :Reddit


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