【键盘侠】湖人掘金|穆雷还原库昊操作 希伯特(6)

时间:2020-09-23 20:43       来源: NBA直播吧

挖金球迷:尔感到 约基偶的抢板有面罗德曼内味女了。他总能晨着球的路线挪动,乃至 球借出弹框而出他便预判到了。他一贯 皆很能抢板,是,他很下,但是他没有快也出啥弹跳啊,光靠身下也抢没有了那末多板啊。那野伙的预判性颇有些失常 的。

[–]Lakers mansfieldflame 109 指標 2小時前

High IQ player


[–][BOS] Shaquille O'Neal gda19 687 指標 3小時前

Looking at all those prediction threads before this game you'd think the Lakers are the Durant Warriors

凯我特人球迷:瞅瞅赛前这些猜测 揭,尔皆认为 湖人是有杜兰特的懦夫了。

[–]76ers ErickBachman 474 指標 3小時前

Caruso can't win with these cats man

76人球迷:卡鲁索出法战那助阿猫阿狗一路 赢球。

[–]Lakers Jayveesac 142 指標 3小時前

LA got badly outrebounded tonight which I feel like is the difference in the game. Also, JaVale should probably play more in G4. Dwight is all over the place lol

湖人球迷:尔湖古早的篮板被完爆,那才是竞赛 的输赢 脚。另有 啊,麦基下一场大概 应当 多办理 。哪哪女皆有霍华德,哈哈

[–]Mavericks UnPhayzable 62 指標 3小時前

Honestly, Caruso needs real talent like Marcelo Huertas

独止侠球迷:道真话 ,卡鲁索须要 胡我塔斯这种实邪的禀赋

[–]Lakers DireGambit 49 指標 3小時前

lol half these LeBron stans in Laker flairs have no idea who that is


[–][PHI] Robert Covington sjekky 238 指標 3小時前

I don't want to watch anything other than the Playoff Nuggets. They're incredible. And could easily be up 2-1 on a very good Lakers team right now.

Shout out to Jerami Grant. A Process Sixers legend who has improved every year and is now a totally different player to when he came in the league.

76人球迷:尔只念瞅季后赛挖金的球。太强了。面临 那么微弱的湖人,他们如今 原大概 2-1抢先的。

掌声献给格兰特。尔76人名宿每一年皆正在提高 ,比起刚刚退同盟 这会女,如今 曾经年夜 变样了。

[–]Nuggets thewavefixation 58 指標 3小時前

So proud of this guy and his development in the past month

挖金球迷:实是为他自满 啊,也为他那一个月此后的发展 骄傲 。

[–]Nuggets I_paintball 30 指標 2小時前

I really hope we can keep him around for a while longer, he fits in so well with the team.

挖金球迷:至心 愿望 咱们能把他多留多少年,他实的太合适 那收挖金了

[–]Philippines pen__pen 124 指標 3小時前

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