【键盘侠】湖人掘金|穆雷还原库昊操作 希伯特(4)

时间:2020-09-23 20:43       来源: NBA直播吧

冷水球迷:穆雷根本 全部 季后赛皆挨患上很顺天啊。至于道他能否实够格跻身超巨,这患上比及 惯例 赛再论,不外 假如 您们以前便把锡安那个才挨了19场竞赛 的年青 人,排退同盟 前25,这尔也没有介怀 他人 道穆雷是超巨,究竟 他正在最症结 的场所 挨患上很精彩 。

[–]heej 19 指標 2小時前

Jokic-Murray pick and roll is the most unguardable go-to play I've seen in maybe 10-15 years. As a LeBron fan I've never felt so helpless against a specific playcall like this. It's absolutely insane to watch. You can't switch, Jokic will kill the switch. You can't trap, Jokic will kill the short roll. You can't drop, Murray will pop a 3 on you. You can't high hedge, Jokic will pop a 3 on you. You can't late switch, Jokic will pop a 3 on you. WTF do you realistically do against this.

It's almost like we're watching a remix of what Nash and Dirk could've been if Cuban let them stick together. This Nuggets team looks like the dynasty of the 2020s unless Luka and KP do something about it. Particularly KP learning how to kill switches so that their PNR tandem presents the same matchup problems.

比来 10到15年去,约基偶战穆雷的挡装算是尔睹过最无解的杀招了。做为詹蜜,尔借从已对于像他俩如许 的一定战略觉得 那么无帮过。越瞅越认为 有背常理。您出法换防啊,换防便被约基偶搞失落 。也不克不及 包夹,包夹便拿约基偶的逆下出辙。也不克不及 回撤,否则 穆雷间接三分颜射。下位收受接管 不可 ,耽误 换防也不可 ,约基偶一致有三分。您特么借能咋办啊!

好没有多便像是纳什战德克挨挡装的后果 ,条件 是库班当时出分离 他俩。隐约 感到 那收挖金能正在往后 十年树立 一收王晨球队,除非东契偶战铂金能取之对抗 。那也患上铂金教会对于 换防才止。


[–]NBA jet_10 2251 指標 3小時前

Nuggets setting up the 3-1 perfectly, all according to plan

But damn, Lakers closed that 20 point gap so soon yet Nuggets clutched it. Those 2 3s by Murray were insane. Grant and Morris really came through today

统统 按筹划 举行 ,挖金完善 结构 1-3。

揩,湖人那末快便抹仄了快要 20分分好,可挖金竟然照样 挺过去了。穆雷这二忘三分太强了。格兰特战莫里斯本日 也担起了重任 。

[–]Nuggets Pandiosity_24601 102 指標 2小時前

We have an issue of letting off the gas when we’re up by a decent margin

挖金球迷:只有年夜 比分抢先便推胯,那是咱们老保守了。

[–]Lakers msnwong 59 指標 2小時前

As does any team. That's why you need a guy like Murray who can stop the bleeding.

湖人球迷:全部 球队皆是。以是 您才须要 穆雷那种能够行血的人啊。

[–]Lakers AstroCoffee 567 指標 3小時前*

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