【键盘侠】湖人掘金|穆雷还原库昊操作 希伯特

时间:2020-09-23 20:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] The Denver Nuggets defeat the Los Angeles Lakers 114-106 behind 28/8/12 from Jamal Murray to cut the series to 2-1

【赛后帖】丹佛挖金本日 以114-106力克洛杉矶湖人,将系列赛年夜 比分扳为1-2.



[–][UTA] Joe Ingles NitroXYZ 4190 指標 2小時前

When the Lakers went on a 19-2 run, over a stretch of 4 minutes, to cut the margin to just 3 points with 6 minutes remaining I thought there was no way Denver could hold on to win. They had recorded 6 straight turnovers and seemed to have completely fallen apart. Massive respect to the team and Murray again for being able to respond to the pressure and come up clutch.

爵士球迷:湖人正在四分多钟的时光 内挨出一波19-2,正在比分借剩6分钟的情形 下把分好减少到只剩3分,尔其时 借认为 挖金确定 要拾。他们连着6个掉 误啊,貌似皆要完全被打垮了。挖金极端值患上让人尊敬 ,穆雷也是,他再次正在沉压之下给出回应,症结 时候 站了进去。

[–][DAL] Wang Zhizhi suzukigun4life 1372 指標 2小時前

Maple Curry took over when it mattered most

王治郅球迷:枫叶库里正在最危急 的时候 接收 了竞赛 。

[–][BOS] Marcus Smart berreckobamer 469 指標 2小時前

That fake spin step back three was the most 2016 curry shit I’ve seen since 2016

凯我特人球迷:谁人 假回身 以后的撤步三分是尔自16年以后睹过的最像16年库里的操纵 。

[–]Cavaliers Calvinball05 51 指標 2小時前

His release is so quick, too.

骑士球迷:他的脱手 也是相称 快。

[–]Knicks OuchYouPokedMyHeart 314 指標 2小時前

Channeled his inner skyfucker there

僧克斯球迷:穆雷那是触收了内涵 的日天形式

[–]Raptors Reddits-Reckoning 56 指標 3小時前

Steph Curry wears Jamal Murray pyjamas to sleep

猛龙球迷:库里本日 要穿戴 穆雷的寝衣 睡眠了

[–][GSW] Ian Clark oscarony 693 指標 2小時前

Lakers should have kept attacking. Instead they gave it to Kuzma lol

懦夫球迷:湖人应当 持续 固守的,成果 他们却让库兹马玩起去了,哈哈哈

[–]Cavaliers LeKingofAkron 28 指標 3小時前

They kept settling for threes and jump shots!

实在 供您:湖人一直 赌三分战跳投!

[–]Lakers tabriz100 90 指標 3小時前

Kuzma was fantastic tonight for Denver

湖人球迷:库兹马本日 代表挖金挨患上实是佳

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