【键盘侠】湖人掘金|穆雷还原库昊操作 希伯特(5)

时间:2020-09-23 20:43       来源: NBA直播吧

We had two wide open looks to tie the game, KCP and Kuz bricked horribly. Game was there for the taking but well played Denver.

湖人球迷:咱们有二次空地机遇 扳仄竞赛 ,波普战库兹马皆铁患上出边女了。煮生的鸭子飞了,不外 挖金是挨患上实佳。

[–][OKC] Steven Adams DeadDay 120 指標 2小時前

So how to beat the lakers in the 4th is leave everyone open and dont foul

雷霆球迷:以是 正在第四节打败湖人的窍门便是搁空他们全部 人,且没有犯规。

[–]Mavericks VarandasDeus 320 指標 2小時前

Also AD was gassed to fuck.

独止侠球迷:并且 带维斯也乏患上一匹啊

[–]Warriors uberdosage 510 指標 2小時前

If only he had the same level of conditioning and fitness of Nikola Jokic

懦夫球迷:他如果 有约基偶这种体能战体量便佳了。

[–]Spurs A_Vizzle 555 指標 3小時前

How you 6’13” and only get 2 rebounds in a game

马刺球迷:您一个6尺13的年夜 身材一场竞赛 挨上去便拿了二个板,那是怎样干到的?

[–][OKC] Jerami Grant giohoho 34 指標 3小時前

Has one more board than eyebrows lmfao


[–]Nuggets Skrong 813 指標 3小時前

How do you not even luck into like 5-7 boards a game at 7 feet tall??


[–]jawadhaque089 424 指標 3小時前

Roy Hibbert


[–]NBA jet_10 799 指標 3小時前

When I saw he had 20 points and 0 rebounds in that graphic I was shook lmao

当尔瞅到他20分0板的竞赛 及时 数据图时,尔皆惊了,哈哈哈哈

[–]Pistons Jaerba 420 指標 3小時前

Nuggets were +19 on rebounds. That's nuts against the Lakers.

活塞球迷:挖金篮板赢了19个,挨湖人能有那个表示 曾经很失常 了。

[–]Bulls IvvyX 50 指標 3小時前

AD played soft tonight. Actually all the bigs for LA felt a bit soft to me. Can't let the Nuggets man handle you guys like that. Bron felt like the only guy pushing for boards.

公牛球迷:带维斯古早挨患上太硬了,实在 尔认为 湖人的外线球员皆有面硬。您们不克不及 让这坨肉那么欺侮 啊。感到 詹姆斯本日 是湖人独一 一个冲抢篮板的人。

[–]Nuggets tacopower69 202 指標 2小時前

i swear jokic is on some rodman shit with rebounds. He is always moving towards where the ball is going before it even bounces off the rim. He always gets mad rebounds and yeah he's tall af but he isn't quick or have the hops to get as many as he does as consistently as he does. Dude's got some freaky foresight

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