
时间:2020-09-10 18:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–][NYK] Larry Johnson PM-ME-YOUR-Nangs 2357 指標 5小時前

War of attrition: they let the two LA teams also beat each other to shit so they can feast on the corpse in the finals. Its almost too easy

僧克斯球迷:消费 战懂得 下,二收洛乡球队也会互爆到人困鸟累,如许 的话凯我特人便能正在总决赛坐享其成。没有要太简略 哦

[–]Raptors illmatic2112 1277 指標 5小時前

By god he's right


[–]Undecided- 390 指標 5小時前

just give the championship to the heat now

这爽性 如今 把冠军给冷水患了。


起源 :Reddit


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