
时间:2020-09-10 18:43       来源: NBA直播吧

灰熊球迷:他本日 惯例 时光 停止 前连铁五个,如果 能尽杀吧,尔借能没有喷他,可他天性早早停止 那场竞赛 的。没有晓得他是怎样了,可只有他一拿球尔便愈来愈慌。

[–]Raptors picturesandcomplaint 40 指標 5小時前

He didnt touch a ball once during the suspension. Hes out of rhythm and has lost his touch, not to mention he was already trending downwards since he got hurt during the regular season.

猛龙球迷:以前停赛时代 他便出怎样摸过球。节拍 出了,脚感凉了,况且 他惯例 赛时代 受过伤以后便一起 下滑。

[–]Rockets Mooriii 60 指標 5小時前

I think theres very few things I dread more than watching another ISO postup for Siakam. Dude couldn't hit a thing for 75% of the game yet co妹妹anded the ball when he was ice cold.

水箭球迷:除西卡的违身单挨,很罕见能让尔更畏惧 的器械 。那哥们女那场竞赛 年夜 部门 时光 挨铁,竟然另有 信念 一向 占领 球权。

[–]Split LipGrizzlyBear 106 指標 5小時前

It's part of the growing process imo. Hard to find players who are i妹妹ediately great in the playoffs.

那便是发展 的进程 嘛,您总不克不及 期望球员们一到季后赛便坐马发作 吧。


[–]Spurs NotFrankSalazar 371 指標 5小時前

Whoever wins is gonna be tired as fuck for game 1 vs the Heat

马刺球迷:不论 抢七谁赢,挨冷水的G1确定 乏患上一匹。

[–]eewap 111 指標 5小時前

Not like they’ll ever have a chance to recover with this schedule either.

那种赛程支配 下,他们连规复 的大概 性皆出患上

[–]76ers Feelscreative101 5666 指標 5小時前

Miami licking their lips at the prospect of facing an absolutely gassed opponent

76人球迷:在期待 一收疲乏 之师的冷水舔了下嘴唇。

[–]Heat the_pantsmith 743 指標 5小時前

"I realized if I couldn't kill them... I could let them kill each other"

Coach Spo or something

冷水球迷:斯波表现 :“假如 尔不克不及 搞失落 他们的话……这便让他们同室操戈”

[–][NYK] Larry Johnson PM-ME-YOUR-Nangs 2492 指標 5小時前

Best possible outcome for the Heat. Everything is coming up Miami this year

僧克斯球迷:那对于冷水去道是最有益的成果 了。感到 本年 统统 皆背着迈阿稀

[–]Heat CleanSnchz 349 指標 5小時前

Here's to a 2OT in game 7 as well


[–]76ers Dworfe 1391 指標 5小時前

Until they realize they’re up against one of the LA teams if they survive Celtics/Raptors.

76人球迷:但是即使冷水过了凯我特人或者猛龙那闭,期待 他们的将是一收洛乡强队……

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