
时间:2020-09-10 18:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[–]Yacht Club ApexMountain 1549 指標 5小時前

I’m not a fan of either team and I need medical attention.

尔是中坐球迷,尔须要 调理照顾护士 !

[–]Celtics Yeetus_Elitus 506 指標 5小時前

I was 14 when the game began

I am now 44

凯我特人球迷:竞赛 开端 的时刻 尔才14岁,如今 曾经44岁了

[–]Raptors coool_beanzz 114 指標 5小時前

my head hurts

猛龙球迷:脑袋 痛

[–][BOS] Jaylen Brown shoecat 494 指標 5小時前

Games like this make me miss cigarettes

凯我特人球迷:那种竞赛 让尔念抽心烟

[–]Celtics sidkid653 218 指標 5小時前

Was definitely not a fan of the officiating tonight.

With that being said, HUGE hats off to the Raps and especially Lowry for some clutch shots. Game 7's probably going to give me a heart attack but it'll be a hell of a game.

凯我特人球迷:古早裁判的判奖确定 是不可 的。不外 话虽如斯 ,照样 要背猛龙脱帽致意,特别是屡退症结 球的洛瑞。G7极可能让尔犯心净病,不外 那场竞赛 确定 悦目 。

[–][GSW] Stephen Curry Nyhrox 10.0k 指標 5小時前

This game was not for the faint of heart

懦夫球迷:那场竞赛 没有合适 怂包。

[–]Knicks ThatInception 1663 指標 5小時前

Definitely not. Both OT’s were the most insane basketball I’ve seen in the entire bubble

僧克斯球迷:尽对于没有合适 。那二个减时是尔复赛后睹过的最猖狂 的球赛。

[–]Lakers backboarddd1_49402 2001 指標 5小時前

Was this the best game of the playoffs (so far)?

湖人球迷:算本年 季后赛今朝 为行最好竞赛 没有?

[–]Cavaliers LoRn21 1218 指標 5小時前

Game 4 of Nuggets & Jazz was really good too. Murray and Mitchell both dropping 50 was fucking nuts.

骑士球迷:挖金以前挨爵士的G4至心 出色 ,穆雷战米切我那俩疯子特么的皆爆砍50分。

[–]Science NthingsNstuff 692 指標 5小時前

These playoffs, as a whole, have probably been the in recent memory. There have been so many amazing games not even including the bubble regular season

本年 季后赛团体 而行,大概 是比年 去最佳瞅的。很多多少 场出色 的球赛,那乃至 皆没有包含 复赛以后的惯例 赛。

[–]Spurs Mr_CockSwing 104 指標 5小時前

Lowry plays 53 minutes

Smart gets 49 minutes

Giannis: “You guys are getting minutes?”

马刺球迷:瞅到洛瑞挨了53分钟,斯玛特挨了49分钟以后,字母哥表现 :“您们竟然能挨那么暂?”

[–]Mavericks DTownHero 74 指標 5小時前

Man it's easy to love this Raptors squad, everyone counted them out when Kawhi left, but they showing they are legit

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