
时间:2020-09-10 18:43       来源: NBA直播吧

Let's be honest. If he was on our team, we would love him. Same could be said about Lowry.

猛龙球迷:咱患上真诚面,如果 斯玛特正在咱们队里,咱们确定 很爱好 的,洛瑞也是那种球员。

[–]Raptors jorvay 13 指標 5小時前

Honestly, I love smart. The flopping is annoying as it is with Lowry, but he's so fun to watch otherwise. Smart and scrappy.

猛龙球迷:尔实在 挺爱好 斯玛特的。他的假摔很讨人厌,洛瑞也是啊,不外 他的竞赛 照样 挺有不雅 赏性的,挨患上聪慧 又老讲。


[–]Warriors iGetBuckets3 3899 指標 5小時前

To think the raptors were one shot away from going down 0-3

懦夫球迷:猛龙原来 离0-3落伍 只好一球……

[–]Hawks petripeeduhpedro 1328 指標 5小時前

And one beautiful pass

老鹰球迷:借好这忘美好 的传球

[–][TOR] Kyle Lowry DiggWuzBetter 508 指標 4小時前

As a Raps fan, the Celtics have looked like the better team this series, but the Raps have been all heart, and clutch AF. Might be enough to grind out a series victory, we’ll see Friday!

No matter what, so proud of this team. They’ve been excellent all year, amazing that we lost Kawhi for nothing and are still one win away from the conference finals. This season is a win, regardless of what happens Friday.

猛龙球迷:做为龙蜜,尔认为 原轮挨患上更佳的是凯我特人,不外 尔龙一向 皆满身 心加入,并且 僧玛超等 年夜 心净。大概 借能拼下那轮系列赛的成功 呢,周五刮目相待吧。

不论 成果 若何 ,尔皆为那收球队自满 。他们那赛季一向 很精彩 ,无缘无故掉 来小卡以后竟然照样 离东决唯一一步之远,太锋利 了。不管周五终局 如何 ,那赛季咱们曾经赢了。

[–]Raptors NotGreatSortofDecenr 78 指標 4小時前

Exactly how I feel about it too. Anyone in any city would kill to have a team with this much heart that plays like this, whether they have the talent to match or not

猛龙球迷:尔便是那种感到 。不论 您是身正在哪一个都会 的谁谁谁,能有那么一收敢挨敢拼的客队,岂论 他们的禀赋 能否充足 ,确定 皆异常 高兴 。

[–]Lakers OhKaleNo2 1635 指標 5小時前

game 7 is must watch basketball


[–][TOR] Kawhi Leonard Kibago 1090 指標 5小時前

game 7 is going to be a 75-73 car crash where Ibaka and Timelord are the leading scorers

猛龙球迷:抢七战将是75-73的车福现场,两边 的患上分王分离 是伊巴卡战罗伯特-威廉姆斯。

[–]Lakers OhKaleNo2 254 指標 5小時前

Lmao yep. Throwback to Celtics/Lakers 2010 game 7


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