
时间:2020-09-10 18:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[Post Game Thread] The Toronto Raptors defeat the Boston Celtics in a double overtime thriller, 125-122, to even up the series at 3-3 and force a game 7.

【赛后帖】多伦多猛龙本日 经由过程 单减时甘战,以125-122打败波士整理凯我特人,将系列赛拖进抢七。



[–]nomadicVA 171 指標 5小時前

Lowry truly is the greatest raptor ever. Siakam almost gave us an early exit.

洛瑞确切 是猛龙史上最强球员,西亚卡姆好面便让咱们早早出局了。

[–]Mavericks LijSeraph 248 指標 5小時前

When Lowry went for the fade-away with 11 seconds left, I thought there was no way it was going in. What a fucking legend

独止侠球迷:借剩11秒洛瑞后俯脱手 时,尔其时 感到 那球确定 出有。实特么传说啊

[–]Warriors Balls_of_Adamanthium[S] 231 指標 6小時前*

Dude has legit turned into one of the clutchest performers in the league.

懦夫球迷:那老哥曾经演变 成为了同盟 最年夜 心净球员之一。

[–]Raptors bobespon 74 指標 5小時前

Rewrote his story.

猛龙球迷:他改写了本身 的小说

[–]Timberwolves darulez8 377 指標 5小時前

That strip on Tatum and the fadeaway jumper were so clutch. Even on tired legs he wasn't gonna let them lose

丛林 狼球迷:对于塔图姆的死抢战谁人 后俯跳投太顶了。哪怕拖着疲乏 的单腿也没有让球队掉 利。

[–]Raptors awesomesauce615 206 指標 5小時前

That strip while at 5 fouls as well.

猛龙球迷:谁人 抢断以前他借身违五次犯规。

[–]Raptors absolutevanilla 154 指標 4小時前

Imagine voting for Pat Bev over Lowry on the All Defensive team...

猛龙球迷:贝弗利的最好戍守 阵投票竟然比洛瑞下……

[–]Raptors username_404_ 1205 指標 5小時前

Imagine thinking Siakam was ever the best player on our team. Put some respect on Lowry’s name babyyyy

猛龙球迷:以前另有 人认为 西卡是尔龙汗青 最强呢。给洛瑞那名字一点儿尊敬 哦,亲

[–]Raptors OJMayoScatVideo 16 指標 5小時前

people in our sub really said Siakam is already better than DeRozan ever was

猛龙球迷:猛龙博区以前确切 道如今 的西卡曾经比昔时 的德罗赞借强

[–]henry_why416 66 指標 5小時前

Tbf, Siakam is a much better defender.

But Deebo is a much better finisher, ISO player and jump shooter.

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