
时间:2020-11-13 10:43       来源: NBA直播吧

By accident


[–]Trail Blazers _Quetzalcoatlus_ 1201 指標 1 天前

Trading for an injury prone 35yo on an albatross contract who has clashed with other stars is also a risky game.

开辟 者球迷:为了一个身违毒药条约 且取其余球星队友有过辩论 的35岁易伤宿将 ,那也是正在冒进。

[–]Trail Blazers RandyJoeP 365 指標 1 天前

It's only 2 years (including this year) so it's not nearly as bad as getting Westbrook/Love (3 more years).

开辟 者球迷:也便二年啊(包含 新赛季),以是 那毒性近近比没有上威少战乐祸(另有 三年)的。

[–][TOR] John Long RunicLordofMelons 43 指標 1 天前

Think about it this way: Adding a veteran PG who has shown he can mentor young stars, win your team games, and lead your team into the playoffs, onto a team that is ready to get itself into playoff contention and has to convince their young star not to demand a trade after he's spent his entire career losing.

Risky game for sure, but a very high reward.

猛龙球迷:您患上那么念:那个宿将 控卫既能指点 年青 球星,又能戴队赢球,借能冲退季后赛,末了 借能言传身教劝戒这些年青 球星没有要念着归队,由于 他全部 生活 皆正在到处 展转中丢失了。

那笔生意业务 下危急是确定 的,但是也是下报答。

[–]Trail Blazers RandyJoeP 155 指標 1 天前

I also think if all you're losing is Rubio/Oubre and a pick this year it's probably the best move you could make.

CP3/Booker/Bridges/Johnson/Ayton is a decent starting lineup. I think you're running into issues on the bench since so much is leaving.

Probably going to have to match Saric for the backup 4, hope Jerome improves from year 1-2, and get a good return on whoever signs for the MLE. You're probably going to be tapped out on depth.

开辟 者球迷:并且 尔觉着吧,如果 太阴掉 来的只要卢比奥、黑布雷战那赛季的一个选秀签,这大概 是眼下能促进的最好操纵 了。

保罗、布克、布里偶斯、约翰逊战艾整理那套尾发回挺靠谱的,不外 替补端会碰到 贫苦 ,由于 很多多少 人皆要走。

大概 太阴患上婚配萨里偶的报价留下他挨替补四号位,再寄愿望 于杰罗姆那一二年快快提高 ,末了 再签一个能进献 即战力的中产。

太阴的板凳深度年夜 概会遭到很年夜 打击 。

[–]MiddleStudy 266 指標 1 天前

CP3 and Book could be a dirty backcourt.

保罗战布克那对于后场拉拢失常 啊

[–]Rockets RandomDoctor 160 指標 1 天前

Did you forget Ayton in the middle

水箭球迷:别记了另有 个艾整理

[–]Thunder dogfan20 23 指標 23 小時前

Such a great spot for him. It’s like taking a further progressed OKC under your wing. Very interesting. Possible playoff run.

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