
时间:2020-11-13 10:43       来源: NBA直播吧

太阴球迷:咱们便是念正在二年内挨退季后赛啊,到了22年又有年夜 笔钱来自在商场搞一票年夜 的。那二年先让球队博得 敌手 尊敬 、积累履历 ,再锻炼 年青 人,比及 二年后资本充分 时能力 排斥自在球员。

[–]Vai2ius 23 指標 1 天前

First Wolves, then Jazz, now Suns... Feels bad for Rubio....

先是丛林 狼,而后是爵士,如今 又是太阴……卢比奥佳惨……

[–]Timberwolves HotSteak 27 指標 19 小時前

He gets tons of love when he returns to Minnesota and Utah and I'm sure Phoenix would be the same. The guy basically wouldn't play a road game in the western conference

丛林 狼球迷:他归队后再回到明僧苏达战犹他的时刻 很受迎接 啊,尔信任 他今后 回到菲僧克斯也是一致的报酬 。那哥们女正在西部赛区根本 便出有客场竞赛 。


[–]Celtics OverallPrettyGood 683 指標 17小時前

Rubio ends up with the Clippers in this scenario I assume?

凯我特人球迷:照那情况 ,尔猜卢比奥那是要来快船咯?

[–]Heat chrispepper10 17 指標 14小時前

Not sure how Clippers would acco妹妹odate his salary though. They would probably have to trade Beverley in this scenario. There isn't room if all they are trading is Shamet.

冷水球迷:不外 尔实没有晓得快船怎样婚配他的薪资。大概 患上收走贝弗利。假如 他们只收走沙梅特的话,这便出空间了。

[–]Dazegobye 20 指標 16小時前

Just for shamet? I hope they have to pay more than that. Otherwise the rich just get richer

只肯出沙梅特?尔愿望 他们多掏面,否则 的话只会让富者更富。

[–]Raptors Hatarius 15 指標 15小時前

Clippers should not be dealing with Presti again lol, they just tryna get punked

猛龙球迷:快船不应 再战普雷斯蒂干生意业务 了,哈哈哈,借念被宰啊

[–]Thunder moneybooy 585 指標 17小時前

If they get him it would be a huge upgrade

雷霆球迷:假如 他们获得 卢比奥,这便是一次伟大 的气力 进级 。

[–]Toronto Huskies IAmDaleicious 57 指標 16小時前

I agree. Rubio seems like a good locker room guy too, so I’d absolutely hop on that deal if I were the Clippers.

尔赞成 。并且 卢比奥貌似也是个没有错的换衣 室球员,以是 假如 尔是快船治理 层,那生意业务 确定 患上干。

[–]rSlashNbaAccount 411 指標 17小時前

Would fix their most important problem. Playmaker.

卢比奥能办理 快船最年夜 的题目 :构造 。

[–]Celtics OverallPrettyGood 77 指標 17小時前

Yeah they had been starved for a PG so that would be huge

凯我特人球迷:是的,他们很渴供一个控卫,以是 那笔生意业务 很症结 的。

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