
时间:2020-11-13 10:43       来源: NBA直播吧

[Macri] OKC/PHX talks have advanced past preliminary stages to discussion of expanding to a four-team deal involving the Clippers and Mavericks

据纽约尔子Jonathan Macri报导,雷霆取太阴针对于保罗的生意业务 可止性评论辩论 已经经由过程 开端 阶段,今朝 评论辩论 扩展 到包括 快船、独止侠正在内的四队生意业务 。


[–]Lakers Uckthebroncos 351 指標 1 天前

Oh shit Booker to the thunder !


[–]Suns Jbash_31 10 指標 22 小時前

You’re a funny man

太阴球迷:老弟谈笑 了

[–]Spurs Thehelloman0 30 指標 17小時前

Trades involving multiple teams are harder to get done but we have seen some trades like that happen recently

马刺球迷:一样平常 触及到多队的生意业务 都邑 更易降天,但是比来 远些年我们瞅过几回 胜利 的案例。

[–]76ers bulldozer_rob 156 指標 17小時前

Wow he’s really getting traded to Phoenix. That’s nuts

76人球迷:哇,保罗瞅去实的要被生意业务 到太阴咯。太猖狂 了。

[–]Thunder salty_dogey 44 指標 13小時前

it’s an upgrade over rubio, and they can get experience competing late in the season and possibly playoffs if he indeed does end up in phoenix.

雷霆球迷:假如 保罗实的来了菲僧克斯,比起卢比奥这便是一次进级 ,并且 太阴借能正在赛季终期乃至 是季后赛获得 履历 减持。

[–]76ers bulldozer_rob 33 指標 13小時前

Yea it’s cool for them but it doesn’t really change the NBA landscape to me. Wish we could get him. But more importantly in that same trade, if the clippers get Rubio that’s gonna be a problem

76人球迷:出错,那对于太阴无益,不外 尔认为 那春联 盟格式 没有会有啥作用。愿望 尔76人能获得 保罗。不外 那笔生意业务 更让人头痛的是,如果 快船获得 卢比奥,这便贫苦 了。

[–]Thunder salty_dogey 12 指標 13小時前

yeah it just makes the suns even more fun to watch, i really like watching phoenix play idk why. the clippers need rubio, CP3 would be great for them as he is a good scorer on his own but rubio fixes the playmaking issue

雷霆球迷:是的,保罗来了只会让太阴更悦目 ,也没有晓得为啥,尔确切 很爱好 瞅太阴挨球。快船须要 卢比奥,虽然说保罗也很适合 ,究竟 他患上分才能 很强,然则 卢比奥能办理 快船的构造 题目 。

[–]Bulls laughffyman 22 指標 15小時前

OKC is in rebuild, PHX is gearing up to be a contender, DAL is in win mode but has a bright future and won't mortgage it for short term success, and LAC are in desperate win now mode.

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