
时间:2020-11-13 10:43       来源: NBA直播吧

Very curious to see how this plays out.

公牛球迷:雷霆处于重修 期,太阴那是要挨制争冠设置装备摆设 ,独止侠处于赢球形式,但是远景 光亮 ,且没有会为了短时间胜利 而透收将来 ,而快船则处于慢需夺冠的赢正在当下形式。

很念瞅瞅那四队一通操纵 事后 是啥后果 。

[–]76ers FoFoAndFo 81 指標 17小時前

Man I hope for the suns sake they don't give up too much for CP3. I think they could be really good but probably not on Paul's timeline.

76人球迷:愿望 太阴为了获得 保罗没有至于掉 来太多,尔认为 他们会很锋利 ,不外 大概 保罗正在的时刻 没有会浮现 效果。

[–]Suns Tailsofthesix 45 指標 17小時前

I think it’s a 4 team deal cause suns don’t want to give up their pick. I believe Jones plan is to draft a pg and let CP3 mentor him.

太阴球迷:便是由于 咱们没有念废弃 选秀签,以是 才是四队生意业务 。尔信任 詹姆斯-琼斯的筹划 便是选一个控卫,再让保罗指点 他。

[–]Knicks Fmbounce 12 指標 16小時前

Could someone tell me why the Suns would do this? no trolling please. Chris Paul would obviously be an upgrade to Rubio but then they're also helping the Clippers get better. Is it moreso to bring a winning culture in?

僧克斯球迷:谁能道道为啥太阴要那么干吗?别引战哈。保罗确切 比卢比奥强,可那么一去,他们也加强 了快船的气力 啊。岂非 是为了挨制赢球文明?

[–]Suns Tailsofthesix 30 指標 16小時前

suns just want to make the playoffs, we don't care about making a finals contender better. it's not like the chances of us making it out of the west is high

太阴球迷:咱们不过念退季后赛罢了 ,能否让争冠球队更强咱们没有正在乎。横竖 咱们又弗成 能挨退总决赛。

[–]Timberwolves goldenboots 10 指標 15小時前

Suns fans, take it from a wolves fan. Trading away Rubio as part of a win-now move will help you make the playoffs this year. And after that your future will be lost. It's not worth it. Rubio is absolutely amazing at building up the team around him, and while CP3 is amazing, trading away young assets for the upgrade is extremely short sighted.

丛林 狼球迷:尔那个狼蜜道一句哈,收走卢比奥是您们赢正在当下形式的一部门 ,那能赞助 您们下赛季挨退季后赛,但是您们的将来 便出有了,没有值患上啊。卢比奥确定 是合适 修队的,虽然说保罗很强,然则 为了此次 进级 而生意业务 走年青 财产,那种行动 是极端短望的。

[–]Suns EloHellDoesNotExist 19 指標 15小時前

make the playoffs the next two years, have a ton of money coming of the books for a good FA class in 2022. turn yourself into a respectable team, get experience and mentorship for the young guys, become attractive to free agents when they have a ton of money to spend in a couple years.

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