【键盘侠】三球凭啥这么抢手|蜀中无大将 廖化作(7)

时间:2020-10-31 20:13       来源: NBA直播吧

那么道吧,三球的闭幕 才能 一面皆没有菜。他正在篮下有充足 的发明 力去支持 他的信念 。

他的奖篮其实不好,那便让人对于他的投射才能 谨严 瞅佳。

他身下6尺8,干一个优良 戍守 人简略 患上很。鲍我退同盟 以前也被道是戍守 万人捅呢。

他控球脱手 ,传球顶级。

尔是实没有晓得为啥年夜 野那么瞅没有起他。正在那么一届量质偏偏高的选秀里,他是个具有许多 上风 的靠谱新秀。便由于 他是球野的人,您们便对于他隐恶扬善。

[–]Hornets ItsTheGucc 27 指標 1 天前

Absolutely tall as hell for a guard, and length means that ideally he can be coached into being a good defender, because he has the physical gifts for it. His steal numbers are good, but that is seemingly because he gambles a lot jumping passing lanes. At least that shows he has the vision to see where the ball is going next, though.

Something you’ve left off the list of pros that needs to be brought up is that he’s also an incredible rebounder at guard. His assist + rebound numbers in the NBL are totally nuts, and no NCAA player has had as many assists and rebounds in as few games played as him.

Being essentially the equivalent of a one and done also means he’s young enough to be molded and developed where he’s got weaknesses

黄蜂球迷:做为一位后卫,三球的身下尽对于是恐怖 的,那便表示着正在幻想 状况 下,经由 调学以后的他可以或许 发展 为一位优良 戍守 人,由于 他具有那个身材 禀赋 。他的抢断数据很没有错,不外 那貌似是源自他的赌钱 式跳起截球。最少那表现 出了他预判球位的视线。

楼主所枚举 的三球的有面借漏了一面:他一样是一位精彩 的篮板型后卫。他正在NBL的帮攻战篮板之战的确 是失常 ,挨了雷同 场次的NCAA球员皆没有如他。

[–]Saxtactical89 21 指標 1 天前

I did a piece on him yesterday and watched some tape on him and I kind of get it. His passing ability is NBA ready, he reads a defense well and he has enough wiggle to the bucket to put a little pressure on defenses, but just not consistently.

He has some ability, length and high level IQ, but he is very, very dependent on where he ends up. Minnesota will take him cuz the last name will sell tickets post-covid, but he would fit better in Golden State and I think will disappoint much more than Lonzo in other situations.

尔今天瞅了些三球的录相,有面能懂得 他的热门了。他的传球才能 曾经是NBA火准了,浏览 戍守 的才能 也很强,并且 多少个晃悠 便能冲到篮下对于戍守 人施压,不外 其实不稳固 。

他的才能 是有的,臂展少、球商下,但是他的将来 实的正在很年夜 水平 上与决于他来那里 。明僧苏达会选他,由于 他的姓氏能够正在后新馆时期 排斥票房,不外 他应当 更合适 懦夫,如果 来其余队的话,这他会比鲍我借要让人掉 视很多。

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