【键盘侠】三球凭啥这么抢手|蜀中无大将 廖化作(4)

时间:2020-10-31 20:13       来源: NBA直播吧

Is that really the case?

瞅了那个帖子,尔借认为 三球便是出有戍守 的鲍我,那没有便是道他很菜嘛,哈哈哈

岂非 究竟 实的如斯 吗?

[–]Warriors spaldingmatters 15 指標 1 天前

He is a far better ball handler than Lonzo is, and projects as a better primary offensive initiator.

懦夫球迷:他的控球比他哥强太多了,并且 将来 的定位是更强的打击 端重要 提议 人。

[–]EducatemeUBC 206 指標 1 天前

He has more of a talent for scoring than Lonzo does, better size, honestly his passing ability is more impressive to me.

Seems like a lower floor higher ceiling guy in comparison to lonzo.

他的患上分禀赋 比鲍我强,身体 比鲍我更嵬峨 ,并且 尔认为 吧,他的传球才能 也更让尔欣喜。


[–]Mavs Buck0Five 51 指標 1 天前

don't think he has better scoring, he just doesn't have the hitch in his shot that Lonzo had. Lonzo was actually a better offensive player in High School, but got exposed as he climbed up the ladder

独止侠球迷:尔可没有认为 他的患上分才能 更强,他哥不过正在投射圆里碰到 了瓶颈罢了 。鲍我正在下中时代 的打击 才能 实在 出那么不胜 ,然则 跟着 舞台愈来愈年夜 ,他的缺陷 皆被裸露 了。

[–]Lakers 001justforfun 59 指標 1 天前

People thought Lonzo's defense was going to be horrible, but he turned out to be pretty good once he got to NBA.

湖人球迷:鲍我退进NBA以前,年夜 野借认为 他的戍守 会很菜呢,成果 他到了NBA戍守 蛮佳啊。

[–]Lakers cjsrhkcjs 35 指標 1 天前

I swear I saw this thread when Lonzo was drafted

湖人球迷:尔起誓 ,当时鲍我被尔湖选中的时刻 ,尔也瞅过那个帖子……

[–]Clippers legendofto妹妹orow 26 指標 1 天前

You know what I think Lamelo on the knicks would be fire. He’d sell jerseys, put on a show and I think he actually has the confidence to make them better in his first year

快船球迷:咋道呢,尔认为 如果 三球来僧克斯这便炸了,既能买球衣又能赚呼喊,并且 尔以为 他实在 有信念 正在处子赛季便让僧克斯变患上更强。

[–]Raptors MeekMill2Toronto2021 48 指標 1 天前

has the confidence to make them better in his first year

what are you even basing this off of lol

lonzo is a far superior leader than his brothers and even he did jack shit to “make others better in his first year”

猛龙球迷:“有信念 正在处子赛季便让僧克斯变患上更强”


鲍我的首脑 力比他这俩弟兄强太多了,便连他也出法“正在处子赛季让球队更强”啊。


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