【键盘侠】三球凭啥这么抢手|蜀中无大将 廖化作(3)

时间:2020-10-31 20:13       来源: NBA直播吧

Morant and Zion way better, but I'm not sure what Barrett has done to put himself as clearly above Ball.

Edit: Maybe I was mean about Barrett's finishing ability, he probably was fine for a young guard and may be a plus finisher in time. That said, by those standards you probably want to be a lot more generous about Ball's finishing.

雄鹿球迷:岂非 巴雷特也近强于三球吗?

况且 巴雷特也是投篮、闭幕 战戍守 皆好。他的篮下闭幕 才能 大概 比三球佳些,但是他菜鸟赛季的闭幕 才能 是实的菜,个中 的部门 缘故原由 大概 正在于他冲破 时缺少 场上视线。巴雷特其实不具有三球这种传控才能 ,借没有会扔投。三球切实其实 是瞅没有到莫兰特战锡安的尾灯,但是您要道巴雷特显著 强过三球,这尔实没有晓得您的究竟 根据 是啥。

[–]zScores 77 指標 1 天前

Wow you are seriously underrating Barrett. He's gotta improve his right hand, but he's pretty solid with his left, is good at getting to the rim and got to the FT line a lot for a rookie. He's also pretty solid as a secondary ball handler and passer. And he's actually a good on ball defender at least, he definitely has the tools to be good.

And he did all of this on a really bad team with no shooting whatsoever, which makes life tough for a slasher like him.

LaMelo is a better playmaker than him, but if you dont think that RJ is way better as a finisher, shooter and defender than you must not have watched him at all last year.

这您借实是严峻 鄙视 了巴雷特。他的左脚持球才能 确切 有待进步 ,但是他右脚照样 蛮稳的,既能打击 篮筐又能制奖球。并且 他做为第两持球人战传球面时,挨患上相称 妥当 。最少从现实 去瞅,他的有球戍守 很没有错,尽对于有本钱 成为一个精彩 的戍守 人。

何况 他那种表示 照样 正在僧克斯那种毫无投射才能 的烂队干到的,那个情况 原便没有合适 他那种外线进击 型的球员施展 。

三球的构造 才能 比他强,但是 假如 您没有以为 巴雷特的闭幕 、投射战戍守 近强于三球的话,这您上赛季确定 压根出瞅过他挨球。

[–]Knicks damn-mooses 30 指標 1 天前

rj is one of the best finishers among rookies, you’d know if you watched any knicks games last season

僧克斯球迷:如果 上赛季瞅过僧克斯竞赛 便晓得,正在这届新秀里,巴雷特的闭幕 才能 处正在最强的一批里。


[–]Uwofpeace 310 指標 1 天前

bro three words BIG BALLER BRAND

老弟,缘故原由 便仨字:BBB。

[–]boomer browns 23 指標 1 天前

His last name. Younger fans love the ball brothers.

便是由于 他的姓氏。年青 球迷爱好 球野三少。

[–]benson822175 231 指標 1 天前

This post makes him sound like Lonzo without the defense, which is terrible lol

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