【键盘侠】三球凭啥这么抢手|蜀中无大将 廖化作(6)

时间:2020-10-31 20:13       来源: NBA直播吧

马刺球迷:尔认为 锡安是确定 能成为分量级球星的。一样尔也认为 ,如果 他没有转变 挨法的话,没有到五年便会膝盖报兴……


[–]Nets NicoolaJokic 81 指標 1 天前

Cause he's a 6'8" point guard with elite handles and vision lmao don't overthink it

篮网球迷:由于 三球身下6尺8,控球战视线皆是顶级啊,哈哈哈哈,您们也别念多了

[–]Knicks sexy-snickers 28 指標 1 天前

alright but he can’t shoot (25 3PT%), and his FG% was abysmal (37%)

his defence is poor as well

maybe you’re underthinking it

僧克斯球迷:止吧,可他出投篮(三分射中 率25%),射中 率烂透了(37%)。

戍守 也是个菜。

大概 是您短斟酌 了。

[–]76ers matthewdavis1432 10 指標 1 天前

There’s more to it than just percentages.

The biggest thing I’d point out is his shot selection. LaMelo looked like he was just playing pickup, so I’m sure his percentages would go up if he took smarter shots.

Second would be his free throw percentage. If I’m not mistaken, Melo shot over 80% from the line in Australia, which is a good indicator that he has touch and potential as a shooter.

If he’s willing to get coached on his form and stops taking 35 footers off the dribble, there’s no way he won’t be at least an average shooter.

76人球迷:您也不克不及 只盯着射中 率啊。

尔认为 他最年夜 的题目 正在于投篮挑选。瞅三球竞赛 ,感到 他便像是正在挨反抗 演习 ,以是 尔信任 如果 他的投篮更聪慧 些的话,射中 率确定 能升高。

第两面便是他的奖球射中 率了,如果 出忘错的话,他正在澳洲联赛的奖球射中 率跨越 了80%,那便表示着他具有成为一位投脚的脚感战后劲。

假如 他乐意 接收 指点 改正 脚型,别再痴迷于运球后35码启中脱手 ,这他的投射最少能到达 均匀 火准。

[–]Lakers careslol 3 指標 1 天前

Let me ask you this, would Rondo be a top 5 pick in most drafts knowing what we know now? He has a bad defensive rating in the NBA, okay athleticism, below average shooter. But he has elite playmaking.

湖人球迷:尔便问一句,启天眼而论,隆多正在年夜 多半 选秀年份中能退前五吗?他的戍守 效力 挺好的,活动 才能 借拼集 ,投射高于均匀 线。但是他构造 才能 顶级啊。

[–]HueyFr 137 指標 1 天前

Well he’s not a bad finisher at all. And he has enough creativity at the rim to be confident.

He’s not a bad free throw shooter which gives optimism for his shot.

He’s 6’8, he could easily become a great defender. Lonzo was called a horrible defender before he got to the league as well.

He has good dribbling and and elite passing.

I’m not sure exactly why people are so surprised. It’s a weak draft, and he’s a solid player with a lot of upside. If he wasn’t a Ball, he wouldn’t be getting scrutinized like this.

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